Seen about 20 min so far, seems litecoin brought their A-team on this one…
Best posts made by svennand
RE: WATCH LIVE - Feathercoin on MadBitcoins
RE: Bitcoin Expo London - Nov 30th 2013
[quote name=“chrisj” post=“33891” timestamp=“1384284196”]
I will be a speaker at the conference :)
[/quote]Ah sweet!
Im attending to, but only as a watcher. will bring my Go Pro camera ;D
RE: This Week News...
[quote name=“Tony” post=“33077” timestamp=“1383331067”]
You guys should send me to Amsterdam, I’ll show Svenn how to do a trip report ;)
[/quote]Haha you would run around trying to find “bars” that accept ftc/btc :P
It would be a psychedelic trip report however ;D -
RE: Real time diff calculation is suicide
[quote name=“zerodrama” post=“25785” timestamp=“1376764200”]
I’m going to define a quantity - Pointfulness, pfn.PFN = usefulness * usability
The more hashrate you have, the usefulness of your hardware goes up. You can make more coins.
The more difficulty you have, the usability of your hardware goes down. You have less time to get more hardware and it takes longer to get it. At some point these two time values diverge too much, and you guessed it, the good ole rubber band breaks.
If there is no time to sell ftc or purchase items with ftc, then the hardware you just bought last week, which took 7 days to arrive, will get you half the coins you were getting before you had it.
[/quote]This makes no sense. The usability of the hardware doesnt go down with higher diff. The coins pr day goes down, which will be compensated by the value of the coin given the bigger “rarity” of it…
But real time diff calc is the other extreme of no diff 40% variation limit and just as bad or even worse. It represents panicky and quick fix thinking.No one will bother hopping onto a coin which drops output within minutes.
[/quote]Who has said anything about real diff calculation??? point me to that statement and i will argue against it.
We need to get the diff adjustment lower then 40% and the retarget time down by half to not have to have those “high/low” diff miners attacking the coin[quote]
Also two days to wait for a diff change? seriously? can we stop whining? Bitcoiners wait 2 weeks or so.
Have you been in a cave? two days for diff change wait isnt a problem, the problem is that after a couple of hours theres two days AGAIN.
Have you spoken to any of the “pro miners”? I have and its a struggle to keep them on board given todays situation.[quote]
The real problem here is: People don’t know what they want.
Thats a bold statement, i though this was a community coin, apperantly you know whats best for everyone?Its a long time since ive been this upset by a thread…Here i am mining away 24/7 both in high diff and low diff, trying to find a solution on the forum, and suddenly im a whiner and i dont know what i want?
[Guide] Startup mining feathercoin Solo/Pool for windows
This guide contains some interesting information and tips, but is out of date. Help & documentation within the mining software, the pool sites and driver support has improved to reduce the needs for a guide. @Wrapper
For AMD GPU cards and CPU mining :
Thought I’d make an easy startup guide for new people to start their mining feathercoins.
1. Downloading QT application and creating wallet.
2. modifying for solo mining
3. third party miner program
3. customising the mining app (cgminer in this tutorial)
4. extrasGo to and download the Feathercoin QT app.
Start the program and let it sync to the network (this will take a long time…)
While you wait for this go toNSGminer and download the latest NSGminer for your operating system.
When the feathercoin-qt app has finished syncing to the network. Go to: C:\Users\yourusername\App Data\Roaming\feathercoin
(If you dont see App Data folder go to view panel and select show hidden files!)There’s a couple of importent things in this folder, including wallet.dat which is your personal wallet. this wallet should be regularly backuped to different location since it holds all you “money”, also its a smart thing to encrypt it in the feathercoin QT app, if not its easy for someone to hack your computer and make a copy of the wallet, then they just have to transfer funds from it to another wallet and ur broke…
If you dont care for Solo-mining skip to step 3.
2. Solo Mining
What you need to do in the App Data\Feathercoin folder is to create a new textdocument feathercoin.conf (be sure to save it as feathercoin.conf and not feathercoin.conf.txt).
to check this go to view options and select show file extensions.
In this document you put in something like this (this is my config so you need to change rpcuser,rpcpassword,and all the rpcallowip):server=1
rpcport=9337Short explanation:
rpcuser/rpcpassword will be the username/password the miners need to input to get work from the feathercoin app.
rpcallowip is all the ip adresses of my miners, where is my main computer with qtapp (if your only going to use 1 pc and thats the pc with the app just input which reference to the localhost). Its important that you input one of those rpcallowip for each of your miners.
rpcport is the port that the miners will connect trough, its important that this port is open on the main computer and also forwarded trough the router to the computer.Save the feathercoin.conf
Now quit the feathercoin-qt appGo to your feathercoin-qt folder and create a shortcut of feathercoin-qt.exe, place this shortcut somewhere easy like the desktop or such.
right click the shortcut and select properties. In there wheres the path xxxx\xxxxx\feathercoin.qt.exe is inputed, add --server at the end
so it will show: “xxxx\xxxx\feathercoin-qt.exe --server” (what this does is tell the feathercoin-qt that it should run feathercoin.conf file!)Now just start the feathercoin-qt app again trough using the shortcut you created and voila its prepared for solo mining.
3. cgminer
I will focus on cgminer app, since this is the app that in my opinion is most stable, gives god options, and support most of the currency if you want to change somethimes.
Earlier you downloaded the cgminer. now just unpack the folder and place it somewhere easy to find (Desktop or such). inside this folder theres a executable called cgminer.exe
you can now just go to start-cmd and browse to the right place and start the program with values cgminer.exe -xxx-xx-xx-x BUUT this is tiersome in the long run when you need to restart etc.So we will create a batch file that will auto run the program with right settings.
go into the cgminer folder and create a new textdocument like earlier, but this time name it whateveryouwant.bat
in this document you should put something like this (copy of my file):color 2
cgminer --scrypt --shaders 2048,1024 --intensity 13,16 --auto-gpu --auto-fan -o -u fuzzy1 -p password --failover-only -o [url=][/url] -u svennand.fuzzy1 -p passwordexplanation/breakdown:
color 2 sets the font color in the windows (if your like me and are tired of white on black), google for color numbers.
setx command sets it so that cgminer is able to utilize all the memory of the card (this may be important if you have problems).now to the main feature, cgminer!
–scrypt tells cgminer that it is going to work on scrypt coin (must be set if mining scrypt coin like ltc and ftc)
if you have several cards just add extra values like i have done with shaders and intensity
–shaders tells the number of shaders on the card (google your card to find out how many shaders it has, 7970 has 2048), theres also thread-concurrency but when you set shaders you dont need to set thread concurrency. However if you want to know what thread concurrency value is, just run cgminer and go to cgminer folder, there should be a bin file that shows in the filename the value of thread concurrency.
–intensity tells the cgminer how hard it should work on the card (default is 13), the higher the number the more choppy the computer will get. if you use it when mining do not set it higher than 13! also if you use 7xxx generation amd going higher than 13 will most likely dont do you any good…
–auto-gpu will set the cgminer to use the stock engine speed of the card, alternative you can input --gpu-engine xxx where xxx is the gpu clock speed, and gpu-memclock xxx for the memory speed.
–auto-fan this will make cgminer automaticlly adjust the speed fan (recommended), in cgminer you can also set target temp and so on, default cgminer will ramp up the fan to 100% if the card reaches 85degres.
-o this should be the adress to your mining pool or solo mining client. in this case its directed towards my main computer with the feathercoin app for solo mining. also note that there added the port number with :
-u username that you either put in the pool (when your pool mining the username will be youraccountname.workername), when solomining its the username you put in feathercoin.conf
-p the password you created either in pool or feathercoin.conf(solo)–failover-only -o this creates a secondary address. when pool mining i would either direct this to another pool, OR direct it to solo mining. The reason for this is that if your pool is beeing Ddos attacked your hashrate wont go to waste since the miner wont be able to connect to first connection, it will failover to the secondary!
if you solo mine then set up this failover-only towards a pool so you get the Long Polling from them, you still solomine and get block changes from your local main computer, but you also get information from the pool. what this does is keep the miners better up to date and will lower the probability that your working on a block allready submitted. will increase effectivity by around 2%.4. Extras
]Backup plan for your wallet:
create a new batch file, backupwallet.bat and put it on your desktop.
inside this document write something like:@echo off
set DD=%DATE:~0,2%
set MM=%DATE:~3,2%
set YY=%DATE:~8,2%
set YYYY=%DATE:~6,4%
set HH=%TIME:~0,2%
set MN=%TIME:~3,2%set filename=wallet_date_%DD%_%MM%_%YY%_time_%HH%-%MN%
echo %filename%
copy C:\Users\fuzzypc\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin\wallet.dat c:\Users\fuzzypc\dropbox\Wallets\litecoin\%filename%.dat
copy C:\Users\fuzzypc\AppData\Roaming\feathercoin\wallet.dat c:\Users\fuzzypc\dropbox\Wallets\feathercoin\%filename%.dat
copy C:\Users\fuzzypc\AppData\Roaming\yacoin\wallet.dat c:\Users\fuzzypc\dropbox\Wallets\yacoin\%filename%.dat
pauseYou need of course to set different end adresses for the wallet, but point is that whenever you run this batch it will backup those wallets to my dropbox and rename them using time value of the computer. that way if something fails, u accidentally overwrite/delete your wallet. just rename the wallet in dropbox to wallet.dat and move it back to the app data\yourcoin directory and start qt app=)
Tweaking your gear (do not recommend this unless you are certain what you are doing).
Do all the tweaking inside cgminer using shortcut (G) Graphics card and © Change value
1. start with difficulty 13 (leave this trough the entire process).
2. tweak engine speed example adjust from 800 (depending on your card) and increase by 5, leave it for 10-15 seconds and add another 5. Do this until the AMD graphics driver crash and has to recover, then turn back the value to when it was stable (ps have a watch on your temp to see it not going to high, also keep away from the powersettings, as long as you dont touch those what you are doing will not harm your card!).
3. when you have found the perfect engine speed, start by increasing memory speed increments of around 20, you should now see that the khash speed of the card slowly rises each time you enter new value (wait 10-15 seconds between each change). the ideal speed of the memory should be around 1.57-1.60 x engine speed (this value is from people experience). The point is that you add 20 each time until the Hashrate suddenly drops. thats when you have found the tipping point!, now just decrease memory speed with value of 1 until you reach the maximum hashrate.4. when all this is done you can start changing your intensity (check that hardware error is 0 in cgminer), if the hardware error count is starting to count you are
overpushing your card!
Also it might be a good idea under this process to connect to a pool, if the rig produces a lot of stale shares or invalid shares than your card is pushed to hard. the stale/invalid shares SHOULD be below 1%.If you find any of this helpfull, please feel free to donate some 8)
FTC: 6q6NJNyr1KEsFAwv5CqiWG8ZpJMpu6v6QC
LTC: LdvKFFDj2WzuJcVMrMmojB1hmFKp4xSiyv
YAC : YFgc4ZCZYu3ZTzquHu9ypBtndaSS65W6ux
BTC: 1DikXbvQxaGz6QP6T5f5whFJ1XXt2P4Ys2 -
RE: Double PSU mining rig
The reason people burn their mobo is mainly cause they add to many cards without thinking what kinda power those cards draw from the pci-e bus.
every overhead above what the socket on gpu can deliver (8+6 pins gpu can take up to 225w, 6+6 pin can take total of 150w). Meaning if the card actually use 300w it will get the remaining through the pci-e socket itself. Now if you have 5 cards which each have supply capability
of 225w, but need 250w. Your looking at an draw from the pci-e of 125W total, normally pci-e 1x is rated 10w, pci-e 16x is rated 25w, and total consumption combined should not go above 75w. 50w overload over time WILL melt your mobo.
Either the 24Pin power connector on the mobo will burn, or the lanes to the pci-e sockets itself (botton of mobo)
Heres an example on one of my old rigs (5879/6870 and so on)
The only thing you need to do on the secondary psu is to use the 12v to the GPU (keep in mind that some PSU might take damage if its 100% loaded on 12v but nothing on 5v and 3v. Dunno exactly why but i read it someplace).
To get it startet you just shortcircuit two pins on the 24pin contact. like this:
RE: Need help trying to undervolt my cards in linux (need linux "expert")
[quote name=“uncle_muddy” post=“51186” timestamp=“1389351118”]
A little more playing in the early hours of the morning…Using the options from within CGMiner I managed to drop the voltages on my Toxics :D
I have got them down from 1.256 to 1.2 and no effect on hash rate as yet, only been running about 6hrs thou. I have tried to get them a little lower this morning was thinking of dropping in .05 steps to start with then finer tweaking once I start to see a drop in hash rate, but when I go through the options in CGMiner to do this it’s makes no difference to the reported voltage on the cards ???
So my next plan of attack is to hard code the drop to 1.2v in to my cgminer.conf and restart the miners then try again using the options to see if it’s something silly like only being able to accept a single volt change per re-start not that there is any reason why it should.
I will also pull some numbers of it for you so you can see what the power savings (if any) are
[/quote]Cool, just received three Sapphire 280X toxic today that i will get up and running tonight, gonna try out bamt :)
Then i will have 19X 280X cards, which is my limit with current condition (electricity/temp) -
RE: It's gone pop!
only informatio i can find on the psu now:
High efficency 880w Power supply• Supports the latest specifications of ATX12V & EPS12V• Supports systems with multi-core CPU and GPU technologies• High efficiency = better power consumption and less heat generated• Compliance with Energy Star withtriple/quad 12v rail. cant they decide? and how much is each rail able to deliver?
if its quad on 880w that means 220w pr rail… now if one rail has two pcie contact and you
use both of those on the same rail you really are in trouble.would stay clear of noname psus…
RE: It's gone pop!
hope it didnt kill the card.
and yeah theres a reason i scream dont skimp on psu,
and buy seasonic!ive been in your scenario before. and its no fun
Latest posts made by svennand
RE: Feathercoin Map
Well big thing this week is delisting from btc-e. Which is pretty bad. But there are still plenty good things happening and to catch up on. Check out the work lizhi has been doing. Its amazing. :)
Oh well, BTC-e is highly overrated today. There is so many better options out there.
Hey svennand. Welcome back
Hey, and im not back really. Just floating about, steering clear of crypto atm.
RE: Feathercoin Map
Im quite fine thank you:)
Just checking in to see whats happening with FTC. ;D
RE: Myriad coin pumped 100% after releasing SMS wallet
Top of the pump was 550…
Oh, didnt see that one.
Been pretty occupied lately (except from the occationally forum whine)
RE: A Project Manager
Regarding your point about having the idea ages ago: you don’t need to wait for permission you just set up the trello like Calem did. We did try it out before on but not many people took part and I was spread too thin to be chasing people up.
To your point on me and devs not getting on: I only agreed to this because other people pushed me forward, I am more than happy to leave this for others to take on as my time is quite limited anyway.
Vizay and Calem have volunteered I don’t think anyone would object to you being part of it you have worked extremely hard for Feathercoin in the past.
Yeah, its alot better if more than one can go together and make something happen, rather than just someone running with it in an one man show.
At that point in time i didnt get any traction on it. And i didnt like Do.dom, Guess not many else did either.
Like i said, it was nothing personal. And you kinda underline my points.
Your allready spread thin as is. Which makes it an good enough reason to just say no once in a while :)
What im really curios about ATM is just what kinda resources we actually have here.
Like i said, i know Java (to some degree), but thats about it. That wont take us far.
Theres no point in coming up with ideas, creating scrums, teaming up and creating donation threads if theres actually no one that is able to do the task itself. Which seems to be the headbanging wall around here atm, alot of ideas, very few to actually be able to get it done.
And if it is done, its done by ONE person (choff bush), which then again make it take forever when one guy has to tacle an large “team” project.
RE: A Project Manager
svennand, can I add you to the list of resources (the team list been worked on). What can we use you for.
Kris, did you want to change your title… I’ve put you down as Merchant Development but if you can code maybe we put you down as General Development?
This team page is the first step in what I will try do. Give me a shot, and I’ll get a run down of everyone on the team, and ill put something together which will help with workload balance etc.
Im basiclly this guy:
So if you have an available position as emperor/overlord/dictator or whatever im ALL IN ;D
RE: \[Note\] Discuss : Sale 3 million FTC for Official Crowdfunding
I liked better my idea of integrating an payout to dev for each X blocks one block with an set sum is dedicated to dev adress. make it a total of 1% over the whole period.
That would leave more than enough headroom to develop the coin further.
Its also less volatile vs just forking the chain with an false million value block, which would be seen as propper manipulation.
My idea is more of an overall blockchain “fee”, where each time an payout comes, the comunity can be an part of deciding what the funds are supposed to support of project, and 100% transparancy regarding showing that those funds actually goes to those things.
If this was implemented from the getgo, no one would raise an eyebrow, but given that its an “small sum” each X block your not looking at an instadump thing. but i see it could create an small storm on chats either way.
But at least that will blow some freaking wind in the sails and let feathercoins be on peoples mouths again!
Lets make some waves in the ocean !!!
RE: A Project Manager
Im more interessted in knowing exactly what resources Feathercoin has atm.
What skillset do people have, how much can they contribute?
An burndown chart might be as professional as possible, it still doesnt help if theres no teams behind it actually putting in the hours with it.
Just look at the feathercoin market for example, that on took FOREVER, and one of the main reasons for this is that bush had to do it all himself.
Quite an large task for one man, and by the end of it he was probably so feed up he felt feathercoin scratching his tonsils