Holiday Spirit Raffle - BF4 & Simcity
I’d love either, or both!
Thanks a ton for doing this, and Merry Christmas!!! :) +1 rep.
Downside. you will have to install that god awful origin program! ewwww.
guess Kevlar is getting an uncontested set of games! Thought this would get more attention!
Please count me one would love either too. :-)
Whoever wins the Battlefield should add me: pred470r
I guess I should play for a battle field 1 lottery since I don’t have enough rep :)
I love how some of you guys create a christmas spirit around the forum !
-wishing I have 5 rep after this post to make a fair chance for the bf-
No not looking for a boyfriend, sorry, Battlefield!
Ooooh - BF4 or SimCity! I don’t know…
BF4 is the way to go! ;D
Ouuuh great raffle! :)
I would go for BF4 ;)
- merry xmas!
I’d like to opt in for both, plzkthx.
I’d love to win either they are both looking like grat games, thanks so much :)
[size=24pt]Last Call 15 Minutes Left[/size]
[quote name=“angloblaxon” post=“41467” timestamp=“1386481554”]
[size=24pt]Last Call 15 Minutes Left[/size]
[/quote]Ooooooohhh I’m excited! I’ve been waiting to play these for a bit now! :) Fingers crossed!!! ::)
[size=24pt]BF4 - HopeStillFlies[/size]
[size=24pt]Simcity - Kevlar[/size]
I hope you actually have GPUs that can handle these games! lmaoHappy Holidays guys! I wish i had more to give out!!
[quote name=“angloblaxon” post=“41480” timestamp=“1386482880”]
[size=24pt]BF4 - HopeStillFlies[/size][size=24pt]Simcity - Kevlar[/size]
I hope you actually have GPUs that can handle these games! lmaoHappy Holidays guys! I wish i had more to give out!!
[/quote]Awesome!!! Thank you sOOOOOOooo much! Happy Holidays! :)
I hope you actually have GPUs that can handle these games! lmao[/quote]awww you mean a GMA950 won’t cut it for BF4?! CURSE YOU DICE
I do have my 7950s, but I have started [url=]trying to hunt down extras[/url].
Congratz to the winners! :)