P2Pool with Neoscrypt Feathercoin
What would it take to have p2pool running with Neoscrypt Feathercoin ?
I had p2pool running for a while on the old Scrypt Feathercoin and now have switched to Ghostlanders Phoenixcoin p2pool software and restarted it with --feathercoin.
Is that all it takes ?
It doesnt show any peers or other stats like the Phoenixcoin does.Can someone confirm this is okay till the changeover ?
The pool is on http://multicoin.eu/
I’m not getting any peers either using https://github.com/wellenreiter01/p2pool-neoscrypt.git.
I’m using Ghostlanders p2pool software which seems to run okay by now.
There are 2/1 in/out peers.For some reason the blocks found date/time is wrong in the stats page. Havent figured out why that is because using the same software with Phoenixcoin works fine.
I’m not getting any peers either using https://github.com/wellenreiter01/p2pool-neoscrypt.git.
There has been a bug in the code, that made it impossible for pool nodes to connect.
This is solved since October 27th.
Latest code on Github (link above) is working fine.
You can see on http://p2pool.neoscrypt.de:19327 -
FTC : pool20.neoscrypt.de:19327 - is also back up for feathercoin p2pool in basic mode so far.
PXC : pool20.neoscrypt.de:10554
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Use the official Feathercoin version https://github.com/wellenreiter01/p2pool-neoscrypt
untill all changes are backported.
You need to modify the networks config file to reflect the chain parameters for feathercoin.
I have a feathercoin neoscrypt p2pool running at p2pool.neoscrypt.de
You can find my software at github: https://github.com/wellenreiter01/p2pool-neoscrypt
it’s a fork of ghostlanders code with the feathercoin network parms added.