UFO Coin Relaunched with some help from Bushstar
Hi Bushstar
What you do is great, the problem is not to give support, but did not receive support if needed. Anyway congratulations for the good work.
Thanks Xonar, if anyone downloaded the client could they please do so again. Looks like the one on the site was an old version without the NGW fork in it. Something to do with a cache. Direct link is below.
Great news keeps rolling, to bad exchange is down now.
I want to buy few UFO’s.
Great news keeps rolling, to bad exchange is down now.
I want to buy few UFO’s.
Not only you ;)
is there p2pool support for this coin ?
http://www.dutchpool.org -
Dowloaded the Bushstar ufo wallet, I’m syncing now… connected to only one other peer. :)
Really pioneer. :) -
can someone supply me the networks.py settings for setting up a p2pool server ?
Not getting that much traction yet on BitcoinTalk.
At least we will have another NeoScrypt buddy when the time comes and it has been a fun project to work on.
can someone supply me the networks.py settings for setting up a p2pool server ?
I’m not a pool person but what details do you need to make this work?
Not getting that much traction yet on BitcoinTalk.
At least we will have another NeoScrypt buddy when the time comes and it has been a fun project to work on.
I’m not a pool person but what details do you need to make this work?
Bushstar, I’ll send you a mail with the feathercoin sections of the p2pool networks.py
I think, it should be no big problem for you to adapt it to Ufo
Seems like someone set up a P2Pool before.
ufo=math.Object( PARENT=networks.nets['ufo'], SHARE_PERIOD=15, # seconds target spacing CHAIN_LENGTH=12*60*60//15, # shares REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH=12*60*60//15, # shares TARGET_LOOKBEHIND=20, # shares coinbase maturity SPREAD=50, # blocks IDENTIFIER='fc656266636f696e'.decode('hex'), PREFIX='fe636e696e6c656a'.decode('hex'), P2P_PORT=18720, MIN_TARGET=0, MAX_TARGET=2**256//2**20 - 1, PERSIST=False, WORKER_PORT=19720, BOOTSTRAP_ADDRS='dutchpool.org'.split(' '), ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL='#p2pool-alt', VERSION_CHECK=lambda v: True, )
ufo=math.Object( P2P_PREFIX='fcd9b7dd'.decode('hex'), #pchmessagestart P2P_PORT=9887, ADDRESS_VERSION=27, #pubkey_address RPC_PORT=9888, RPC_CHECK=defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda bitcoind: defer.returnValue( 'ufo address' in (yield bitcoind.rpc_help()) and not (yield bitcoind.rpc_getinfo())['testnet'] )), SUBSIDY_FUNC=lambda height: 5000*100000000, POW_FUNC=lambda data: pack.IntType(256).unpack(import('ltc_scrypt').getPoWHash(data)), BLOCK_PERIOD=90, # s SYMBOL='UFO', CONF_FILE_FUNC=lambda: os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'ufo') if platform.system() == 'Windows' else os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/ufo/') if platform.system() == 'Darwin' else os.path.expanduser('~/.ufo'), 'ufo.conf'), BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/block/', ADDRESS_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/address/', TX_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/tx/', SANE_TARGET_RANGE=(2**256//1000000000 - 1, 2**256//1000 - 1), DUMB_SCRYPT_DIFF=2**16, DUST_THRESHOLD=0.03e8, )
The thing to note is that these values will change after the upcoming hard fork. I think you need to be ready to change them at the point when the fork goes live.
Having a second coin with Neoscrypt that much early makes it even more easier for multipools to add Neoscrypt coins
Seems like someone set up a P2Pool before.
ufo=math.Object( PARENT=networks.nets['ufo'], SHARE_PERIOD=15, # seconds target spacing CHAIN_LENGTH=12*60*60//15, # shares REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH=12*60*60//15, # shares TARGET_LOOKBEHIND=20, # shares coinbase maturity SPREAD=50, # blocks IDENTIFIER='fc656266636f696e'.decode('hex'), PREFIX='fe636e696e6c656a'.decode('hex'), P2P_PORT=18720, MIN_TARGET=0, MAX_TARGET=2**256//2**20 - 1, PERSIST=False, WORKER_PORT=19720, BOOTSTRAP_ADDRS='dutchpool.org'.split(' '), ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL='#p2pool-alt', VERSION_CHECK=lambda v: True, )
ufo=math.Object( P2P_PREFIX='fcd9b7dd'.decode('hex'), #pchmessagestart P2P_PORT=9887, ADDRESS_VERSION=27, #pubkey_address RPC_PORT=9888, RPC_CHECK=defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda bitcoind: defer.returnValue( 'ufo address' in (yield bitcoind.rpc_help()) and not (yield bitcoind.rpc_getinfo())['testnet'] )), SUBSIDY_FUNC=lambda height: 5000*100000000, POW_FUNC=lambda data: pack.IntType(256).unpack(import('ltc_scrypt').getPoWHash(data)), BLOCK_PERIOD=90, # s SYMBOL='UFO', CONF_FILE_FUNC=lambda: os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'ufo') if platform.system() == 'Windows' else os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/ufo/') if platform.system() == 'Darwin' else os.path.expanduser('~/.ufo'), 'ufo.conf'), BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/block/', ADDRESS_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/address/', TX_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX='http://cryptexplorer.com/tx/', SANE_TARGET_RANGE=(2**256//1000000000 - 1, 2**256//1000 - 1), DUMB_SCRYPT_DIFF=2**16, DUST_THRESHOLD=0.03e8, )
The thing to note is that these values will change after the upcoming hard fork. I think you need to be ready to change them at the point when the fork goes live.
There is a worse problems in “changing values” in P2pool settings than the hard fork. There is no easy way to get everyone to upgrade and leave forked p2pools. A lot of p2pool can be private.
I see in February, Dogecoin were proposing adding “meta layer” above p2pool with different pool payout settings (longer stratum times, due to compensate shortened block times) as a solution to the upgrade difficulty.
Hi Bushstar, I think create a UFO address in FTC wallet. I can accept UFO in FTC wallet with a payment gateway.
Will be able to do it ?
Hi Lizhi,
I think, the address headers for UFO are different, so a FTC wallet will not allow to import an UFO address.
I ask other people in NXT forum. We can realize it.
First of all, we want to build a server network, They are gateway. They are responsible for processing deposits and withdrawals.You can send any coin,eg:BTC or NXT. We use gateway client for deposits and withdrawals.Everyone can set up gateway server. Thus, the evolution of the coin, The establishment of a coin applications and trading environment. ^-^
Hi friends, after months waiting for a ufocoin site, I just revamp my ufocoin page as a little technical site. It’s Not an official site but you can find and download the firsts aids resourses and last wallets. Yes I’m a holder of a little amount of ufocoins. Have a nice use of this page. You are welcome.
@xonar said:
Hi friends, after months waiting for a ufocoin site, I just revamp my ufocoin page as a little technical site. It’s Not an official site but you can find and download the firsts aids resourses and last wallets. Yes I’m a holder of a little amount of ufocoins. Have a nice use of this page. You are welcome.
Nice work!
@xonar you made very nice site, what template are you using?