Idea to promote FTC
Hi all,
Nice to meet you.
I thought about an idea to promote the coin.
Maybe we can approach a few famous people and to inform them about FTC (As you can see by my Posts and Replay I’m new here so I’m goona need your help to explain about the coin) and ask from them to write at their Twitter that they bought FTC.
We can approach people like Ashton Kutcher…Thanks.
You will have to pay them half the market cap to let them give a false love to Feathercoin. Maybe someone as Aston Kutcher isn’t really the one to aim on, someone who actually knows whats coin on with the cryptocurrencies and has influence in the world should by it’s own spread it’s love about this coin.
Which, of course, could be pointed out by our community. :)
Re: Contact a Celeb
David Mitchell? or Ozzy Ozbourne
or more sensibly Stephen Fry?
I actually have a few famous peoples phone numbers, I can get you Bono?
glad that I made you laught.
I gave him is an example because in my opinion his a famous that get in touch with new things.Well, I guess maybe in another time :)
[quote name=“FTClover” post=“48974” timestamp=“1388623812”]
I actually have a few famous peoples phone numbers, I can get you Bono?
[/quote]Really?.. Like THE Bono… Like “Yeah, Yeah yeah yeah !” Bono?
No disrespect to you or… Mr Bono… but if that’s true I’m blown away.
Commented on the Daily Mail article on ‘Coinye West’ bigging up Feathercoin, judging by the ratings many people agree. Someone else commented also. :D
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[quote name=“Oded” post=“48949” timestamp=“1388608241”]
Maybe we can approach a few famous people and to inform them about FTC
[/quote]Did it already. It’s why I’m here. -
I’d say â€" forget it.
Ashton Kutcher, or any other famous actor, is a brand. He knows that, and if he doesn’t his agent does. Any famous actor, model, designer etc. will only say or do what is beneficial for him/her as a brand.
They are interested in enhancing meanings attached to their names (=brands). Feathercoin is (at this stage) insignificant in terms of brand name, and meanings attached to it, when compared to their famous names. It has nothing to offer to them in this regard.
They (actors, designers, film directors …) could publicly support Feathercoin because:
[list type=lower-latin]
[*]if they sincerely love Feathercoin; that would be cool
[*]because they would like to enhance their own brand through Feathercoin and appeal to to their audience. Are we there yet? In my opinion we are not. Feathercoin != Bitcoin.
[*]because they want to help an underdog; do we want this kind of image?
[*]because they would get paid for supporting it; this kind of image is best avoided!
[/list]If the reason for their support is ‘a’, great.
If the reason is ‘b’, great, but I sincerely think that it can really not be expected.
I’d like to stay away from ‘c’, and ‘d’.
Is there also an ‘e’?I see Feathercoin as a bottom-up coin (grassroots coin if you wish), as opposed to Litecoin which I see more as a top-down coin. I hold high respect for Warren and Litecoin, dont get me wrong. In my opinion Feathercoin derives its value from strong community support, acceptance by small, and medium, size merchants, and lately also from very important technical innovations (SMS wallet, Link, FLUX).
Do you really want to promote Feathercoin through celebrities? You are not promoting parfum, or underwear. What are you hoping to achieve? Thousands of Bieber fans buying FTC? Feathercoin is in no position to promote itself through celeb ambassadors like Omega watches. It should focus on its strengths, and â€" Id like to stress that â€" speak with _one voice_ (google for ‘integrated marketing communications’).
In my view Feathercoin is:
[list type=decimal]
[*]not a marketing generalist, it is a marketing specialist (which is in my view much better than being no.4 marketing generalist; it can not compete directly against Bitcoin, Ripple and Litecoin, but it can hold very strong position locally)
[*]trying to get a global reach through local acceptance (local representatives?) by small and medium size businesses.
[/list]All in all. In my view celebrities do not fit in.