You’re wrong Radacoin. FTC is only 6 months old. How much did you know about BitCoin circa January 2010? Not much I bet. If you want to compare FTC to BTC, then at least compare them at their same age.
More importantly, you’re getting upset today because FTC price is down. Will you be elated tomorrow when the price goes up? Don’t be. It’s important not to get tossed about on the waves of fluxuating price levels (and that’s true for any cryptocurrency you may own) but to see the big picture. Seeing the big picture means also seeing what’s happening both within the cryptocurrency community, including feathercoin, but also the wider world. eg: IF the US defaults on it’s debt in the next couple of weeks, there’ll be trillions worth of value looking for a new home, and I’d be willing to bet that IF that happens, a modest portion of it will find its way into cryptos, including feathercoin (and no, I’m not betting the farm on it, but my point is this could happen). And a modest portion of a trillion dollars is quite a bit of value - for now at least! ;) This may or may not happen, but it’s a short term thing anyway. What matters is the long term value of cryptos like feathercoin.
I’m sticking with feathercoin because it represents long-term value. The devs understand that feathercoin is in its early stages and success is not guaranteed. As a result they know they need to innovate, and they know feathercoin needs to reach out to merchants and everyday people to get increased adoption. That hunger for success over the long-term coupled with a knowledge that keeps the currency improving iswhat’s making feathercoin stronger.
Quick quiz by way of analogy:
Which company got a smartphone to market first?
a) Apple
b) Samsung
c) Microsoft
Which company sells the most smartphones today?
a) Apple
b) Samsung
c) Microsoft
Answer: Apple was first to market, and now Samsung ships the most units.
Yeah, Bitcoin got to market before Feathercoin, but that’s no guarantee that they’ll be the biggest cryptocurrency by market cap in five or ten years time. Feathercoin can’t be Apple (according to the analogy I’m making above), just so long as FTC isn’t Micro$oft (in regards to its efforts in smartphones - which were late off the mark, and a pretty dodgy value proposition in terms of product) I think the future for Feathercoin is bright.
That’s my 2FTC worth. 8)