Hello guys,
I’d like some opinions on what is considered an acceptable RPM for 7950 fans compared to the temperature of each card.
So while the internet and google are helpful, this place is great and I know knowledgable folks will be able to chip in (well hopefully) :)
Here is the query…
My older rig has 2x XFX 7950 with temps hitting 68C and 76C. I know these are not the best respected cards (no voltage unlock, poor coolers), but at the time we wanted to start mining right away and everything else was basically out of stock. To give them their due they’ve been a solid 1.2Kh/s (combined) since November.
The hotter card is the one sat in the middle of the crate, so I could do with sorting some additional cooling out for that. There is a large desk fan helping the situation, but I think this is a question of heat soak from with the PSU or the other card.
Either way both seem to sit at those temps all day long.
The concern is having RPMs of ~ 3200-3400 despite sensible temps.
Am I in danger of the hurting the fans due to almost flat out RPM?
Would it be better to trade some extra heat for lower RPMs?
cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool.d2.cc:3333 --scrypt -u *** -p *** -I 18 -g 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 24000 --temp-target 70 --auto-fan --gpu-powertune 10 --temp-cutoff 8
I don’t have this kind of problem with my XFX 280x rig at all. Low RPM, low temps, surprisingly quiet. They only manage 680Kh/s each, but at 67C, 1500RPM, 1075VDDC, I’m perfectly happy considering they were the cheapest on scan.co.uk at the time. I’ll get posh ones next time :)