ill make you a very nice glass piece…75ftc ususally charge more
Posts made by scottypm
RE: Looking to sell 75 Feathercoin
Glassblowing for FTC
Been blowing glass 10 years now.
i am willing to do great deals, escrow, and custom requests…let me know how i can make something beautiful for you ;)
all for mined/collected ftc :)peace all
Want to go cpu mining to gpu...what card...where how much?
hi all ive been mining on d2 pool with cpu pooler, i want to buy a GPU because i have a crappy dell card that wont hash it ;)
i am a glassblower (artist) w.o a lot of money to invest…also old comp sci student and i love the cc.
can someone please recommend a card that would help me get a few coins per day instead of one er two per blue moon? :)any links or info would be appreciated…
working used cards would be interested in too.
thanks all! such a useful forum :) -
CPU miner wanting to start GPU mining...what to buy please help
hi all ive been mining on d2 pool with cpu pooler, i want to buy a GPU because i have a crappy dell card that wont hash it ;)
i am a glassblower (artist) w.o a lot of money to invest…also old comp sci student and i love the cc.
can someone please recommend a card that would help me get a few coins per day instead of per blue moon? :)any links or info would be appreciated…
working used cards would be interested in too.
thanks all! such a useful forum :) -
WTB Vid Card for mining FTC
Wanted: A gpu card so i dont have to mine with cpu anymore! anyone know of deals going on/letting me know what card to look for would be much appreciated. on a dell inspiron 530 2GHz HD and 2GB Ram . Looking for a card (used/older) for something under ~$75 (USD) does suh a card exist? any help would be much help…as i dont know exactly what im looking for…
thanks again
RE: Selling Pure Silver .999 PURE Silver 1 Gram ingots
i had it as 25ftc , droped it down …its now 12FTC, with 3 FTC shipping… so thats less than…i think that equals out to a little under $5 for a ingot, with ~1 dollar shipping. on ebay they sell between 2.50-5$ + s/h . I have not sold any and i guess i will lower price to 10FTC. but remember, you can mine computer cc and turn it in to precious metals… thats a good market, right (esp if you mine coins for “free”)
I have larger (heavier) bars/coins too, just want to try to see how this goes first, and i havnt got ANY buyers :(
anyway, peace and kind regards all! support the FTC! ;)
Newbie wants gpu for dell inspiron
Hi all!
What are some cheap GPU’s that you carry that are specifically good for mining FTC.
I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Running Windows Windows 6.0.6001
Been CPU mining around 1-4 kh/s with fast internet, ive been doin it over a week and have only mined .7 FTC …is that about right? I want something that can put me to the point where i can make maybe a cple dozen coins a day…what am i looking at, just a new GPU card?
Thank you ;) 8) -
Glassblower for hire. Will work for FTC
Hi all, my name is Scott, Ive been blowing glass here in kansas (boro/pyrex glass) for almost 9 years now. I am a 2nd generation Snodgrass apprentice (my teacher was taught by Bob Snodgrass (if you dont know him, wiki it). I will post some pictures later, but I do everything from pendants, perfume jars, (yes pipes, even rigs, bubblers, whatever you want), and anything else you can think of hit me up!
Would like to get some extra projects, esp ones that pay in FTC. Also look on marketplace for some glass auctions soon.
thanks for your time listening… -
RE: Programming/TechGeneric for FTC
will you do my comp sci at mit homework? lol jk
RE: Bitcoin mining starter kit
what does it teach? that mining BTC is more effort and overhead than what you actually make back after expenses? or is that just a myth?
Selling Pure Silver .999 PURE Silver 1 Gram ingots
Hey everyone! I just started selling on the Feathercoin Marketplace,
(.999 Pure) Silver Ingots for only 17FTC/ea! Thats the same price (if not less) that youd pay on ebay with cash, so get em now with FTC while you can! :)
…I am selling a few other items but wanted to post a link to the silver: the feathercoin marketplace is another way to support FTC! Lets support each-other, and FTC, and help it become the best crypto-currencey EVER! :)
RE: SELLING: Brand new GPU cards
What are some cheap GPU’s that you carry that are specifically good for mining FTC.
I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Running Windows Windows 6.0.6001
Thank you ;) 8) -
RE: Trial FTC?
thanks for info. i got it running im mining bitcoin! also selling an auction for .999 pure silver 1 gram ingots… (IN FTC!) it out! :)
RE: D2 pool issues
im mining ftc for first time, and when using d2 pool i get this:
C:\ltcminer>minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -a scrypt -O scott.worker
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] 2 miner threads started, using ‘scrypt’ algorithm.
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
[2013-12-24 21:58:28] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 21:58:35] thread 0: 4104 hashes, 0.64 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:58:41] thread 1: 4104 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] thread 0: 25536 hashes, 0.59 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] thread 1: 3660 hashes, 0.10 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:45] thread 1: 5940 hashes, 0.23 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:08] thread 0: 35676 hashes, 0.72 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] thread 0: 4968 hashes, 1.69 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] thread 1: 12768 hashes, 0.48 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 22:00:45] thread 1: 28884 hashes, 0.87 khash/sDoes this mean that its working? is it the site or is it me? site shows my kh/s is 0 but my balance is up from yesterday?
RE: Trial FTC?
hmm, i am only using cpu to mine and i didnt think cpu mining for bitcoin wos worth it no matter which way you spend/get them am i wrong? also, im trying to mine FTC with :
C:\minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -a scrypt -O myname:pw
I got too (accepted!) and the pool says i have a tiny bit in my account so i guess it works? but keep getting crap like:Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:\Users\owner>minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -a scrypt -O
‘minerd’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.C:\Users\owner>cd …\…
C:\>cd ltcminer
C:\ltcminer>minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -a scrypt -O scottypm.worker
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] 2 miner threads started, using ‘scrypt’ algorithm.
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
[2013-12-24 21:58:27] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
[2013-12-24 21:58:28] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 21:58:35] thread 0: 4104 hashes, 0.64 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:58:41] thread 1: 4104 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] thread 0: 25536 hashes, 0.59 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 21:59:18] thread 1: 3660 hashes, 0.10 khash/s
[2013-12-24 21:59:45] thread 1: 5940 hashes, 0.23 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:08] thread 0: 35676 hashes, 0.72 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] thread 0: 4968 hashes, 1.69 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] thread 1: 12768 hashes, 0.48 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:00:11] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 22:00:45] thread 1: 28884 hashes, 0.87 khash/s
C:\ltcminer>minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -a scrypt -O scottypm.worker
[2013-12-24 22:00:58] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
[2013-12-24 22:00:58] 2 miner threads started, using ‘scrypt’ algorithm.
[2013-12-24 22:00:58] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
[2013-12-24 22:00:58] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2013-12-24 22:00:58] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 22:01:01] thread 1: 4104 hashes, 1.82 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:01:04] thread 0: 4104 hashes, 0.87 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:02:00] thread 1: 109104 hashes, 1.86 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:02:12] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 22:02:12] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 22:02:12] thread 1: 22884 hashes, 1.91 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:02:12] thread 0: 34368 hashes, 0.50 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:02:12] Stratum detected new block
[2013-12-24 22:03:11] thread 0: 30252 hashes, 0.52 khash/s
[2013-12-24 22:03:12] stratum_recv_line failed
[2013-12-24 22:03:12] Stratum connection interrupted
[2013-12-24 22:03:12] thread 1: 110964 hashes, 1.88 khash/swhatis this ok to keep going with or is something wrong…sorry to go off on tangent, maybe should repost this as question for mining, anywho, thanks a bunch everyone! :)
RE: Trial FTC?
thank you thank you so much ! I have 1.00 FTC ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D There are still good people out there. thank you so much you made my holiday :) ive been mining LTC and dont have a single one since payout is 1.5 on coinotron and i have .005 LTC
i want to use coinotron to mine FTC, is there a tutorial on this?
Thanks again so much. That was such a kind gesture…ill +1rep you if i can figure it out :) -
RE: Hi everyone!!
^^^ Ive read that laptop mining truely can be dangerous as they are not designed for such 24/7 hard work. could overheat etc
as far as mining… try [url=][/url] (thats what I have been using …)
Goodluck my friend…
just one newbie trying to help another ;) -
RE: Trial FTC?
I suppose i should put an address for recieving my xmas wish for a FTC (or even portion of one) donated to my xmas stocking ;) (Im really trying to learn this stuff, and so far i have a LTC and FTC wallet, both 0.00) Just trying to change that, been mining but i am not sure i have everything sync’d together? id love to see that number change if any of you out there feeling extra special holiday nice and want to throw me a bone :)
anyway, the FTC address that i just added a label to point to the forum is:
FTC:6r4WKZ4GvpVtoiQW3csHhC6mrZxrwgNVyoIm really excited about this currency…have been out of comp stuff for a while, but im an old comp sci/*nix LOVER and I think this new currency is one of the coolest things to come along since …i donno Linux?
PS thank you secret FTC santa ;)
RE: Turning USD into FTC
I believe [url=][/url] is where you need to go. im new at this, hope this helps