So what with most Scypt ASIC miners due out in Q2/Q3 what are everyone’s thoughts on investment in one?
I’m considering investment in a lower end model from Alpha Technologies to avoid being pushed out of mining the same 6 months I got into it, however In order to do so I can see myself having to take out a small personal loan. But I have some concerns regarding their longevity;
1. The increase in mining difficulty is going to sky rocket in a matter of months from their release if not before as I can imagine most companies releasing them will wind up “testing” them for a month or so before shipping. Meaning that a lower end model may wind up obsolete within the year?
2.It’s a current GPU miner’s worst night mare thus will measures actually be put in place to keep them out e.g increasing memory usage of GPU’s (alot of R9 uses claim this can be done as only 1/3 of the higher end model’s memory is being used).
3. Will ASIC technology mean a huge decline in coin price… All scrypt based coins are going to be in abundance are they not? I can see alot of miners piling their months earnings into exchanges to make their initial ROI / buy a second round of miners. Thus can it be fair to say at least initially alot of coins are going to suffer until they begin to spread enough that they start to settle down.
There have been alot of discussions regarding the up and coming technology, however alot of it is blind denial on behalf of those who have invested heavily in GPU mining. But the reality is they are coming and they are close to + 60% $/Hash and 30 X cheaper in power consumption!