[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“25384” timestamp=“1376338446”]
Sent. ;)
Thanks I appreciate that. Sorry for the messup!
[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“25384” timestamp=“1376338446”]
Sent. ;)
Thanks I appreciate that. Sorry for the messup!
[quote name=“svennand” post=“25379” timestamp=“1376336975”]
just read about the crypdouch.
Loosing 400+ ftc is a bitch.
Sending 100ftc your way Piedaddy.
Thanks so much! yeah I had gotten one payment and thought he was cool but The entire time I was in the hospital (almost a month) he took my earnings since my rig was running the entire time. Thanks so much I appreciate it!!
[quote name=“HopeStillFlies” post=“23083” timestamp=“1374768116”]
Glad I pulled out when I did.
Apparently no contact info on their whois.
Yeah this one got me good for about 400 ftc +
[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“25145” timestamp=“1376164700”]
Someone is mining on my p2pool server with an invalid address and as a result the payments are going to the default payout address (mine).
Whoever is 6fmAsR81RCkzgfZVoqekwQDZ2HMFg5oU3h1 needs to check their address.
Thats me but why is it wrong??
6fmAsR81RCkzgfZVoqekwQDZ2HMFg5oU3h Ohhh where did that 1 come from. was wondering why all these days an no payment
[quote name=“Nutnut” post=“24993” timestamp=“1376036300”]
Can you confirm your username?
My guess is that your payout limit has not been reached. The minimum is set to 10 and if you are who I think you are (there’s no Piedaddy on the pool) then you are only at 7.
You can check this by looking at the left hand status bar under “FTC Account Balance > Confirmed” and compare that to the “Automatic Payout Threshold” set in “My Account”.
If you want to access your funds quicker you can “Cash Out” which will override the auto payout limit.
Ahh so there is a minimum payout on the anonymous (No login needed) node. That would explain it then.
I have been mining for over 2 days with not one deposit made into my FTC wallet. Whats up?
Its accepting my work and I entered my proper wallet id.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.Its been a difficult few weeks. Luckliy Im in NYC close to the best medical hospitals in the world. Theres nothing like being home and in your own bed again to get you to heal even faster.
I still cannot do a manual cash out. Its been weeks since I have tried. Can you please force out a payment for me?
I also dont know why your system is stuck on 0 for the last FTC I found, Probably needs a system reset
Great guy!! An early adopter!
Cmon now we need a couple of lucky heavy hitters to help us along. The payout is good while its still young and small. Come and join!
Can you please check into the withdrawal function on the FTC side. I have been trying all day to do a manual payment and I have not recieved a thing. It will show as being one less coin but then later will return to the original amount and still not be sent.
If possible can you please force it through for me.
Im giving your site a shot too…need FTC banners
The best is “FTC is a pump and dump” and “scam coin” and watching those same people on Sunday in BTC-e Trollbox posting “LTC is going to gox today” just because Gox had an outtage
whats going on? They are happening more often now I see.
when you say “myths” most of them are just outright made up lies…
The only way you will catch them is if someone who is involved, was involved or was part of a group decides to brag about it , then maybe you will figure it out. Someone able to pull this off may have a huge farm(s) in a data center(s) somewhere on a anonymous proxy.
With a lot of GPU farms becoming open from asics being released I would say expect some people to have some free hash time to expend.
[quote name=“spynappels” post=“11864” timestamp=“1370813941”]
All my miners have dropped off FCPool now, although their website is up. Anyone else having problems with them? Wonder if they’re being DDoSed, as they’ve always been rock stable before for me…
Yes mine say slow or invalid users but blocks are being confirmed and paid
are the blocks being stolen still able to be cashed out? Cant they be nullified in some way?
I see a few orphans, one after the other on fcpool.com and there was an increased hashrate there.
[quote name=“meetrat1” post=“11200” timestamp=“1370732355”]
Something odd is going on right now, most pools are down and my deposit to btc-e hasn’t been credited at 16 confirms. I am dedicating hashrate right now to help counteract the attack that is likely happening right now I hope others do as well.
BTC-e is very slow. If you send to you wallet it goes like normal. Its a BTC-e thing with that.