Already been said but we need to be able to enter a price in USD and that the FTC price adapt until the person commit the actual payment of FTC.
I am not asking to support USD but rather to be able to set merchandise at a certain USD price and that the displayed price in FTC adapt to the currency ratio between FTC/USD which can be calculated via BTC-e or Others services online.
Also we need to be able to have a functional profile page, which easier message box management. Id like inbox, outbox, draft, important message filter, id like to be able to view in and out message, archive them.
Feedback need to be worked, we need to be able to make sure that stop these fake buyer, or we should require a user to buy 1 thing before selling or force escrow for the first few sales. Also negative feedback should be reviewed eventually somehow so these users get shun or ban. The feedback need to mean something otherwise it pointless as a rating system right. So in a sale, only the seller should be able to emit a feedback until the payment as been received, so if the buyer doesnt pay, the seller can leave a negative feedback without being scare of receiving one negative feedback with no valid reason. A mod could verify that later on if the user complain.
Finally, shipping options need to be worked out. obviously you cant really set a fixed price for shipping and ship worldwide unless your name is newegg. So it would be great to have the possibility to set the shipping price after the buyer commit to buy and then after this is done and agreed from both side, payment button is offered for the total of the sell + the actual shipping fee. That would prevent the seller from getting rip off with shipping fee.
That just a few… Random items, Most viewed Items, Latest Sold, etc on start page