Thank you guys for your constructive criticism. I will admit I made a mistake saying this was Beta testing I clearly
met to only share the Development Platform with our long term members who would of thought the random emails
I sent the Development site to would include Kevlar.
I only have one Web Developer at this current time and contrary to your beliefs we are not here to make a profit
we are here to make a living and take the control away from the Faceless Corporations.
All of the services we provide today are just the products and services we have started putting together we plan
on integrating FTC, BTC, LTC etc. As well as ADSactly Gift Dollars that will be traded in a Decentralized P2P Exchange.
We don’t want ADSactly to be another tool company instead we want to Strategically Associate ourselves with
like-minded people and Honest ethical businesses that provide Products and Services that give ADSactly the
results everybody is searching for.
Kevlar you mentioned something about how we think we are going to be able to grow our customer-base to
Millions of people well that’s simple. Many of the Co-Founder and Strategic Associates we have involved with
ADSactly have massive membership bases and we are in the process of securing exclusive pricing deals and
incentives to entice their customers to join ADSactly.
The Gifts that our members receive for bringing their members to ADSactly will be 65% of the Contribution
credited each month the customer stays active.
I will admit we are far from perfect, If this counts for anything this is my First Society that I have decided to put
together and the fact that we are not another company or business opportunity is good because many people
don’t realize the damage that Corporations and LLC Cause.
Kevlar I am giving Lifetime Hosting, Auto-responders, Rotators, Web Page Builder, CRM, and every other tool
or service we develop in the future to all of our 200 Co-Founders that Contribute to our overall project during
our Development Phase.
I hope you decide to join us and please accept my apology for starting off on the wrong foot.
Keep in my the OLD Website is not even worth looking at, I didn’t build nor did my Web Developer
He is a Professional and the main reason I took over ADSactly 5 Months ago was because I saw
BIG Things in ADSactly’s future.
I know there is still A-LOT of Work to be done before we can say we actually have ADSactly what
everybody wants but that doesn’t mean we can’t all work together to make this happen one day
at a time.