Thank you so much!!
I just installed the Feathercoind and the P2pool.
My firewall setup it is for the ports 9337 that’s the Feathercoind server also the 19327, 19336 and 9333 for the P2pool.
I don’t know what it’s missin anyport because I cannot access the p2pool
When I execute this line
screen -d -m -S ftcpool ~/p2pool-neoscrypt/ --net feathercoin -f 1 -a mywallet --donate 3 --w 19327 rpcadmin mypassword -n -n
I am not getting any error or message.
Thanks for everything
Can I ask some questions about the coin in general? How strong it’s the best trading site would be bter? I would like to keep my coins for 1 ou 2 years the coin will be around?
I see that the community it’s really strong that’s really good
Sorry for so many newbie questions I hope that I can help you guys in the future!