Can someone post the download link to the direct feathercoin-qt.exe?
I don’t want to install it, would like to just run it.
Can someone post the download link to the direct feathercoin-qt.exe?
I don’t want to install it, would like to just run it.
I don’t sign in for 1 day and there is a give away…
If you still feeling generous, here is my address:
Thanks! :)
I did not include any transaction fee, how do you do that?
The transaction has gone through now, I don’t know how much time it took but I left it overnight and everything seems fine. Thanks for the concern though…
Hi everyone,
I was trying to send some FTC but it is stuck at 0 confirmations and it has been more than 30 mins now. I am pretty sure this is not normal. Does anyone know what can I do to resolve this?
I have client and the client is all synced up.
FTC: 6xveWmicghUhzL3aNuFZ567wM1JHLDUL5z
PXC: PhaBHQ94h7vgsqBcW27v5jXjvF2w2Vwwsm
[quote name=“justabitoftime” post=“13394” timestamp=“1371004534”]
I didn’t get mine, did you classify me as a spammer some how? :(
I have been around some time now, even dedicated my limited hash rate for FTC mining when we were in trouble (remember those days (like a couple of weeks ago)?). I really don’t care about the 4 FTC (I really don’t!!!), just want to make sure that I am not counted as a spammer…
I believe you are mistaken. The retarget occurs every 504 blocks and it has been only 183 blocks at the time of this writing. So, we still have a long way to go…