59 blocks to go.
Posts made by 72Ftbq
RE: Features Development Team
I have a suggestion for the dev team. I’ve been thinking about the mining and the problem with length of time for confirmations;
Here is a wild idea for consideration by the math geeks…What if … the difficulty was less, but only every other (or Nth block) generated was valued at 200 fc.
In my simple way of looking at the problem, the transactions could be cleared sooner without impacting the number of coins in circulation
@moderator – I’ve been looking around for the forum for the dev team on this coin – please redirect if needed
Odd FeatherCoin Address
I am new to the FC community, and have an odd question about addresses. I’ve lurked a while and have been looking for the right topic to post this under. Not finding one, I’ve started my own thread. ** mods please redirect as needed **
After generating a dozen addresses from the fc client (v0.6.4.0-g3aaa7ba-beta) I noticed that all of them started with “6”, except this one.72FtbqmF13MLPnE3pt2duLsmui7gW4FykV
I thought – cool — a unique address.
Then I got thinking … All BTC address start with 1, Litecoin with L, and I thought Feathercoin with “6”. So … is this a valid address, or was it generated in error by the client?
~nh -
RE: FREE coins for everyone -0 slots left - 2500 FTC handed out
RE: Reached Out to Phenix and Worldcoin
And it increases credibility outside of the crypto coin community
Just posting to say hello.
I was that close to getting block # 32880, found 32882 instead.