Creating a future plans thread
Just getting a thread together on what I am going to be working on. I will eventually post this on the public section of the forum.
1. Auction site - This is getting styled and will be launched this week. There are no fees for using the site. I will get some integration with Koolio’s escrow service when there is an API from his system.
2. Shopping cart - Create an open source shopping cart for Feathercoin.
3. API - Start on a merchant API.
4. Shop - Using the cart and merchant API we will launch a Feathercoin merchandise store. This gives us a chance to try out and show off the cart and API.
5. Client Update Alert - Build a system to check for updates in the clients.
6. Feathercoin URLs - Add proper support for handling Feathercoin URLs.
7. Messaging - Introduce a messaging system into the Feathercoin clients.
There are more but a lot of them are working out small bugs in existing systems or are not worthy of a future plans thread.
(JustaBitoftime) 8. Integrate links to charities and businesses that support FTC ? ? ? ? ?
(JustaBitoftime) 9. Ability to fill out a service ticket right from the client - Service ticket can be answered by community members ? ? ? ? ?
(JustaBitoftime) 10. Auto backup-restores ? ? ? ? ? -
Exiting things, should get very positive responses everywhere.
* bump *