help needed getting started
@sabre said in help needed getting started:
keep getting share above target
That points to a wrong hashing algorithm.
Did you configure your miners to use Neoscrypt?
Sgminer’s default algorithm is scrypt.Start sgminer with --algorithm neoscrypt < other options required >
this is my config file
“pools”: [
“url”: “”,
“user”: “xxxxxxx”,
“pass”: “xxxxx”
“profiles”: [],
“failover-only”: true,
“algorithm”: “ckolivas”,
“device”: “all”,
“lookup-gap”: “2”,
“shaders”: “0”,
“thread-concurrency”: “0”,
“worksize”: “256”,
“gpu-engine”: “0-0”,
“gpu-memclock”: “0”,
“gpu-threads”: “2”,
“gpu-fan”: “0-80”,
“gpu-powertune”: “0”,
“gpu-vddc”: “0.000”,
“temp-cutoff”: “95”,
“temp-overheat”: “85”,
“temp-target”: “75”,
“gpu-memdiff”: “0”,
“shares”: “0”,
“kernel-path”: “/usr/local/bin”,
“api-mcast-port”: “4028”,
“api-port”: “4028”,
“expiry”: “28”,
“failover-switch-delay”: “60”,
“gpu-dyninterval”: “7”,
“gpu-platform”: “0”,
“hamsi-expand-big”: “4”,
“keccak-unroll”: “0”,
“log”: “5”,
“no-pool-disable”: true,
“no-client-reconnect”: true,
“queue”: “1”,
“scan-time”: “7”,
“tcp-keepalive”: “30”,
“temp-hysteresis”: “3”
not sure where i would get the algorythim required
again new to this so would really appreciate a link or step by step instruction if possible or if you could recommend a better software already configured or easily configured etc…thanks
here is the top of the config file I used some time ago, when I still mined:
“pools”: [
“url”: “stratum+tcp://”,
“user”: “6fzXx1hj4DtVkSDs8nnkhDkjASnfuJVHgp”,
“pass”: “test”
“profiles”: [],
“failover-only”: true,
“algorithm”: “neoscrypt”,
“device”: “all”,
“shares”: “0”,
“kernel-path”: “/usr/local/bin”,
… - I think there are windows builds …
The instruction in the docs are quite good, so check them out.
thanks guys, first let me apologize for my ignorance, i think of myself as a pretty savvy tech guy, I actually own an IT company…but i have no knowledge of linux have dealt exclusively with windows and network installations…
so i have no idea how to BUILD or Compile this stuff from github, probably gonna have to teach myself how to do this
so again i apologize… here is specifically what i would like and i’d be happy to offer some type of reasonable compensation if someone could help me.I need mining software for windows 64bit that will work with a i76850 cpu and a msi gtx1070 or and a rx480 amd card
i need the config file optimized for this setup, i would like the ability to mine different coins as i would like to switch between ftc and Ltc and other currencymy windows is win10 64bit pro
again sorry for the hassle and thanks in advance
@sabre said in help needed getting started:
i think of myself as a pretty savvy tech guy, I actually own an IT company…but i have no knowledge of linux have dealt exclusively with windows and network installations…
so i have no idea how to BUILD or Compile this stuff from github, probably gonna have to teach myself how to do thisMining is like catching the performance/muscle car bug — once you start you’ll always want to go faster, bigger, better. :)
Honestly, even if you stay hobbyist and don’t get very “serious” about mining, you’ll want to spend some time getting familiar with linux. Does a body good. Even making a dual-boot system isn’t brain surgery these days (I can help). I’m an HPC admin and work/live in all platforms, primarily linux of course.
My two systems run centos 7, GTX1060’s, have the latest nvidia drivers (easily switching between cuda versions unlike windows), and have gpu fan, clock, and memory speed control (I’m overclocking them a bit). I set up one of them to dual boot centos7 and win10, which is not hard to do if you already have windows installed.
The centos setups never crash, but I constantly experience problems mining in win10 (more so than I did with win7, but y’know, free upgrade deadline last year and I’m not about to pay MS a dime for their trash. Yes I’m biased, for many reasons). Apt-based repos like ubuntu or mint are fine and actually support some coin miners better; debian-based are a little more finicky with dependencies; yum-based (rhel/centos) are the most stable for a reason (fedora is to ubuntu as rhel/centos is to ubuntu server, loosely speaking). For neoscrypt and most other current algos on nvidia, ccminer is all you need and it works perfectly on centos7.
If you’re ready to test the waters, there’s a lot to cover but no-one’s getting any younger!
—Dual boot centos7 and windows (7, but will work with 10)
—How to install latest nvidia drivers in centos7 (There’s also the kmod-nvidia distro package from elrepo in case you fear that process. The GTX1070 GP104 and GP104M [mobile] are currently supported. :))
— Several versions (forks) of ccminer are available. I still use one (ghostlander’s neoscrypt only fork) compiled with cuda 6.5 that hashes better than those compiled with cuda 7.x or 8.x… -
i have actually set up a virtual machine with ubuntu, and i wouldn’t mind trying centos… but again it’s like giving someone a computer who’s never even seen one before… everything i know is self taught but until i can teach myself centos i’d rather run a virtual machine with it before i go creating a dual boot system… last year i created a dual boot win7 and os/x system just to see if i could make a mac and windows together worked great actually sold it to someone for like 4000… cost me about 1500 in parts so pretty good deal but my current system i just built it about 2 months ago is my baby with a 1 terabyte m.2 drive at about 450mbps read and write speed, 2 ssd drives at 2 terabytes each, 64gbs of crucial ddr 2400mhz (i know i can go to 128 on my mb but don’t need it yet) an I7 6850 intel cpu running at about 4000mhz stable, with watercooling, and of course my gtx1070…so what i would like and i know it might be asking a lot but is a windows miner, which is already compiled and in the form of an exe file with premade config files for ftc, ltc,dopecoin, through pools and also solo mining so scrypt, neoscrypt, and the other main scrypts…
@sabre said in help needed getting started:
i have actually set up a virtual machine with ubuntu, and i wouldn’t mind trying centos… but again it’s like giving someone a computer who’s never even seen one before… everything i know is self taught but until i can teach myself centos i’d rather run a virtual machine with it before i go creating a dual boot system… last year i created a dual boot win7 and os/x system just to see if i could make a mac and windows together worked great actually sold it to someone for like 4000… cost me about 1500 in parts so pretty good deal but my current system i just built it about 2 months ago is my baby with a 1 terabyte m.2 drive at about 450mbps read and write speed, 2 ssd drives at 2 terabytes each, 64gbs of crucial ddr 2400mhz (i know i can go to 128 on my mb but don’t need it yet) an I7 6850 intel cpu running at about 4000mhz stable, with watercooling, and of course my gtx1070…so what i would like and i know it might be asking a lot but is a windows miner, which is already compiled and in the form of an exe file with premade config files for ftc, ltc,dopecoin, through pools and also solo mining so scrypt, neoscrypt, and the other main scrypts…
The way you speak sounds like you know your hardware well enough…and if thats all selft taught then you’ll pick up linux and centos in no time…
Similar to hardware…linux is much more “logical” than windows.
You can get a free copy of virtualbox and then go to and you can download many different linux VMs prebuilt for you…so you can kind of test drive them before you go and create your own VM.
@Sabre Yes, it’s a lot to find out at once. Also, you can’t mine through a virtual box and you don’t need that great a CPU. I set up miners with old core2duo’s and AMD. Which again was a whole thing to learn using risers and separate power supplies.
@sabre said in help needed getting started:
last year i created a dual boot win7 and os/x system just to see if i could make a mac and windows together worked great actually sold it to someone for like 4000…
If you made a dual-boot hackintosh, you’ve accomplished more technical challenges than a dual-boot lin/win system. :laughing: I’m a heavy Mac user but don’t have the nerve (or need) to do that to my pc…
windows miner, which is already compiled and in the form of an exe file with premade config files for ftc, ltc,dopecoin, through pools and also solo mining so scrypt, neoscrypt, and the other main scrypts…
@AcidD is right — I would also whole-heartedly encourage trying out some distro’s using the free VirtualBox app. If you do want to try Fedora instead of CentOS 7, try sticking to version 21 at most — the latest is f26 — because with f22 gcc5 was introduced and I’ve found it causes errors compiling some miners because they’re written around a gcc4 environment. CentOS 7/RHEL 7 is loosely based around f19, so it’s not that big a jump. Also, Fedora sports a direct upgrade path from one version to the next, which CentOS 6/7 and many other distros do not for which you’d have to wipe/install.
Others here can help with which Ubuntu/apt flavors to stick with. I personally favor Linux Mint Xfce, or Cinnamon if you need a Start-like menu to feel at home.
@ghostlander provides pre-compiled Windows, linux, and Macintosh (:heart: thank you!) neoscrypt-only ccminer binaries that you can mine FTC, ORB, PXC and HAL. ;) (Don’t be concerned that they’re over a year old, they still work just as well.) If you want to wander into other algo’s, you’ll need to wander into tpruvot’s ccminer fork for which he supplies a pre-compiled Windows binary, but the source compiles perfectly on CentOS 7.3 with Cuda 8.0.
As far as pre-made config files, there really aren’t any… because the command line will be entirely based on the pool you’re using. All the major pools (except for p2pools generally) have their config parameters on the site. Solo-mining FTC (and ORB) probably isn’t wise due to current difficulty levels, but you can probably do so with PXC and HAL.