[Dev] Feathercoin Core 0.9.3 - Alpha release
Lizhi, I know you have done alot of work already, and i know this might be even more work…
But is there any chance that you could start turning the ShapeShift implementation into the first “Plugin” for the ftc Qt.
Can you, in this new core, establish the platform for a modular/ 3rd party plugin aspect for the wallet.
The qr code support needs to be ingrain in the wallet. But companies like shapeshift should be optional modules.
If we lay the groundwork for a modular system, we can have link publishing and a whole arrangement of optional tools that can be added on to the core / standard Qt.
I can make it worth your time.
Before we can create modules, we need a flexible interface implementing standard procedure calls to:
- get information about the function and procedures contained into the module
- get information which menu items need to be added to the gui to give the user access to these functions
For 1. I think one standard function inside a module is required, that returns the function and menu items.
another way to implemment modules could be, that the module registers with the core wallet on load, so the core wallet just needs to scan a directory for the different module files and then load them. During registration menu items could be added to access the function of a module.
Does anybody know how this works for Firefox?
I’m making this the primary thread and I’ve moved it into Dev.
I’ve really been out of the loop…
Plugins are in?! Bitmessage and ShapeShift too!!
Liz, wow. Thank You!
Amazing work Lizhi. Tweeted this post again.
You give me infinite power , developed the new multisign address, prefix f.
New core will use new SCRIPT_ADDRESS, It is 96 , abandon 5.
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = list_of(96);
I had tested new multisign on Ubuntu 12.04 again, It is all right ^-^
the new multisign address, prefix f , success!! -
Thank you Lizhi for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated!
The final test:
Stealth Address. Only 0.9.3 pool support my test.
Comments in the blockchain. I add a UI page , you can use it very easy.
I’m gonna have to get ahold of this when i have time and give some feedback.
Your devotion is remarkable. Cheers ahy Liz!
maybe still some cleanup on isle five needed. Nice work. Will pull for Debian/Fedora when I get the chance.