My letter to Sam Vaknin, a celebrity with expertise in psychology and investment schemes
This is the letter I wrote to Sam Vaknin:
_Dear Sam Vaknin,
you might be aware of the short, but eventful recent history of decentralized currencies. With this letter, I am inviting you to participate in Feathercoin, a decentralized currency of our community.
The idea of decentralized currencies is to make financial transactions public (while keeping the wallet owners possibly anonymous) and securize them with cryptographic hash functions, creating so-called blockchain, that attests the unalterable financial history. It is not possible for me to fill you in on everything in one letter, but mathematically, the idea of decentralized (“cryptographic”) currencies is sound.
Since the total amount of currency units (“coins”) is limited, securized currencies are compared to “digital gold”. They are useful for daily payments, but also serve as a trading (digital) commodity. Note that although the amount of coins within a single currency is limited, it is possible to launch whole new coins.
After the emergence of Bitcoin (launched by pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto), and Litecoin (launched by a Chinese hacker Charles Lee), Feathercoin has been launched as no. 3 in the world of decentralized currencies by Peter Bushnell, IT officer at Brasenose College, Oxford.
As you can imagine, the mixture of grandiose goals, and casino-like opportunities is a magnet for morally deranged people worldwide. Nowadays, large amount of new blockchains is being launched, at a rate of about 1 per day, serving as get-rich-quick schemes for their creators.
In order to achieve the professed goal of repairing the economic system, we need at least one of these currencies to be healthy. When I joined the ranks of the decentralized currency users, I chose Feathercoin over Bitcoin, because its accessible community allows me to do a tiny bit more than just wait and pray. (Bitcoin and Litecoin community is much less accessible.)
The invention of blockchain has created value, as it adds efficiency to money transfer, and defends against legalized theft, that present-day fractional reserve banking is. Value creators in many other fields than just applied mathematics will be needed to achieve the professed goal of repairing the economic system.
Feathercoin is still in its initial stages of minting (52 out of 332 million coins are out). The opportunity would be to promote Feathercoins now, while still cheap, to the said value creators, who will make conscientious use of the received funds. But before I expend effort on contacting people such as technological enterpreneurs and angel investors, I believe that the most important kind of value creators that I need to contact are exorcists of psychopaths.
I am writing to you even before I try to contact the circles of Hare, Babiak and company, specifically because you have experience with investment schemes. To jump-start you as a user of Feathercoin, I prepared a small amount of 1000 Feathercoins (whose price is very low these days), which I will transfer to you as soon as you set up a Feathercoin wallet. The installation of the wallet software depends on the operating system you use. I am sure that people in our community will help you, should you have any trouble with the installation.
I have a feeling that a large portion of Feathercoins minted thus far went to people who will not make a conscientious use of the acquired funds, and who are already planning to derive pleasure from the fact that they mooch. I would like to ask you to perform an expert examination of the world of decentralized currencies, and Feathercoin in particular, act as one of the celebrities for Feathercoin (which would be better than Max Keiser anyway), and see if anything can be done about the devastation that morally deranged people are planning and already inflicting on us. I have a feeling that a small number of such people can make it look that the community is completely bad, and their unbridled desire to “win” by making others lose makes them very dangerous. If you think you can create value by protecting us from them, I explicitly propose that you invest in Feathercoin now, when its price is at a low point, which would also give you a feeling of personal involvement and reward.
Finally, let me admit honestly that the obstacles in the quixotic undertaking of repairing the economic system are so great, that our attempts are basically doomed to fail. Being normal, it is very hard for me to utter words such as “global economic system”. But I am aware of the fact that there are those, who due to their personalities, do not feel the real weight of such words, and can exsude positivity and self-confidence while being complete economic idiots, and can become the leaders of powerful organizations as such. I am aware that this breed of people views anyone taking the professed goals of the decentralized currencies seriously as himself or herself being a gullible economic idiot waiting to be fooled.
My letter to you is, in all honesty, an attempt to demonstrate the desperate nature of the professed goal of decentralized currencies by trying to clear as many obstacles towards it as possible with the same energy I would normally use for a realistic goal. I thus appeal to your presumed clinically diagnosed grandiosity, as I reiterate my invitation for you to join our community.
The website of Feathercoin is
The website contains forums, wallet downloads, and there are regular offline meetups in Oxford, if you happen to visit UK again (you appeared to be in the UK in one of the movies in which you starred). Thank you for your attention._
(signature omitted)
If he joins us, I will also propose to him to accept donations either exclusively in Feathercoins, or in Feathercoins and Bitcoins, depending on what his opinions on the matter will be.
Nicely put :)
He hasn’t responded yet. It seems that even narcissists consider us too ludicrous to respond. Or maybe he is just busy. Someone, write him again.
Sam Vaknin did not respond to the previous message. I tried to reformulate the invitation for him.
_Dear Sam Vaknin,
it seems that I must change the way of negotiating with you. If you are indeed
a clinical narcissist, you should be interested in narcissistic supply (a term
you yourself coined?). I will thus try to interest you in working with us by
emphasizing the narcissistic supply this work offers. You already have plentiful
narcissistic supply available, but imagine that the magnitude of this supply
could be squared.The economic transition from fiat currencies to decentralized currencies will
(if successful) take form of a false Ponzi scheme. By this virtue, a large number
of people will be saved from fraud that is “economic stimulation” of late 20th
and early 21st century. Of course, if this indeed happens, it would be a miracle.
We need this miracle to happen now for the reasons outlined in recent works of
futures scientists. This miracle would require policing to make sure that the
false Ponzi scheme does not turn into a real Ponzi scheme.You, as a person, already are a living miracle. A narcissistic abuser who became
an expert in the field of his own affliction, and, having victimized a handful of
people, healed literally thousands of victims of narcissistic/psychoptahic
romantic partners, business partners, family members, cult leaders aso. In this
sense, you already have one bird in hand.But you are not only a repeatedly clinically diagnosed narcissist, but also
a convicted investment fraudster. If you could save tens of thousands of
life-years by fighting fraud, by successfuly policing a false Ponzi scheme against
becoming a real Ponzi scheme, your magnitude as a living miracle, and thus also
the amount and quality of narcissitic supply available to you would not double,
it would be squared. It would reach the magnitude and quality on par with a minor
messianic figure.Moreover, as you have noted, people want to believe that you have human soul.
People would like to watch this movie, this Blade Runner-like story. So, by your
very presence alone, you would make a large-scale economic transition more likely.
We all need to regain faith in miracles.If you join us, it would immediately become easier for us to gain support of
more psychopathy experts that would be needed to police a successful transition._(signature omitted)
Other forum members, please join me in this quixotic effort.
Very eloquent. :)