A Message: Hackers, Haters and Whales.
I’m sorry, but delete this now! You are provoking them and receive unnecessary negative attention. We are not that kind of community who provokes these mentioned groups. We are a nice community, who will defintely survive on the long run.
I depict Feathercoin community as Ghandi. We should keep peace and harmony AKA Pacifism.
[quote name=“Calem” post=“54952” timestamp=“1390660853”]
[center][b][size=18pt][glow=red,2,300]You Can’t Kill Us.[/glow][/size][/b][/center][center]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ku0-nBBPWg[/center]
[center]Community Trumps Power.
Power Through Community.[/center]
[/quote]They just won. The pissed you out :)
But the result is definitely very good! +1rep for you ;)
Cheers Calem, funny.
1 post on btc-e trollbox = +20views
[quote name=“Trunqs” post=“54996” timestamp=“1390669794”]
I’m sorry, but delete this now! You are provoking them and receive unnecessary negative attention. We are not that kind of community who provokes these mentioned groups. We are a nice community, who will defintely survive on the long run.I depict Feathercoin community as Ghandi. We should keep peace and harmony AKA Pacifism.
[/quote]I know it does come across a bit strong. My intention was to give strength and revitalise some of the lost passion in the community here.
I’m also trying to portray a powerful image to those who are yet to come see what we’re about. I want to show that ftc still stands even in the face of adversity.
It is meant to be more thought provoking rather than conflict provoking. I tried to make sure I didn’t have a dig at direct individual’s but rather make a bold statement against groups who in the past have tried their best to keep us down.
[quote name=“mirrax” post=“54998” timestamp=“1390670596”]
They just won. The pissed you out :)
[/quote]Definitely not pissed! =^-^=
My state of mind was in a humorous and positive mode. I felt empowered by the fact that ftc has withstood more and longer than any other crypto.
We cop flack. In highschool, when been constantly teased and put down, I used the mentality of “you can’t keep me down”. If the haters managed to make me sad, then they won. If they made me angry, they also won. But if used the emotion in a happy and uplifting manner, they would never be able to “kill me”.
This video, is my way of laughing and brushing everything off my shoulder.
Listen to the lyrics very carefully. I chose None Like Joshua’s / The Glitch Mob’s song for the mood of resiliance. I wanted to portray “like water off a ducks back”.
I wasn’t challenging “them” to attack us more. We’re all ready under constant attack. I’m just trying to tell them that they are wasting their time.
[b][size=14pt]First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi[/size][/b]
How did I miss this? Great montage of Feathercoin memories and my Physical coins were there to great work, and I agree about channeling all the bad into everything good. +1 to you :) :) :) :) :) :)
really nice clip +1 to you Calem…
Cheers MrFeathers, mirrax, netnerd and flcph!
Love the song! Thanks Calem! Keep up the good work :)