Mcinek21 - feathercoin problems
And what does your account balance in your wallet say?
I can’t say you how much FTC is now because I removed files from feathercoin data directory and now is downloading, but before this I have -1000.99 less and not -302 FTC.
Ok, it is downloaded, unfurtunly it didn’t help and I have less coins as I should.
Wouldn’t BTC-e be better equipped to figure out your issue?
But I have sent 302 FTC to btc-e and from my wallet go out 1000.99 FTC!
Why btc-e should figure it out if it has happened on my wallet side? -
no one know what could happend?
I’ve never had a problem like this, but i’ve never “removed files from feathercoin data directory” either
Well just look at the transaction for your answer.
Your transaction was for 302 FTC. The remaining 698.99 FTC went to the change address, here: 6gwNy9ZPDVfEcQdzAUqu4TvZ2rLEpj3XBp
There’s your coins right there, at that change address.
If your wallet generated the transaction it pulled the change address from the memory pool of addresses it has sitting around.
If you deleted the wallet.dat, then that change address private key went with it. Otherwise, they’re still in your wallet, and assuming you own that change address, a -rescan should fix it.
I didn’t remove wallet.dat only other data so it works as -rescan.@adamstgbit
Remove data from feathercoin data directory, without wallet, remove only downloaded transactions. I did it after my incident so it no make any infuance on my situation.Please help me if you know something about this this kind of situation.
We need more information to help retrieve your coins. Can you try one of our foreign language threads, for your language.
What is your language?
what is you PC system?
which version of Feathercoin are you using
Have you waited for the block chain to sync? -
This is also a support question.
It’s possible the coins went to the address, but the address was not added to the wallet due to a DB error, as is rapidly becoming famous on the Mac. Perhaps this is it rearing it’s ugly head, although this is the first I’ve heard of it on an alt-coin.
Try hitting “add address” under the receive coins tab, then close it and open it with -rescan.
- I can explain averything in polish language.
- I’m using windows at home and linux at work (on both I have my encrypted wallet).
- I’m using v0.6.4.4 feathercoin wallet
- I have synced wallet.
- I add new address but after restart wallet nothing happen (maybe because I do this on other computer than I use to send the coins)
- I will not have access to computer from I have sent the coins to tomorow
Tomorrow i can go to computer in my work and check all suggestions what you give me
Hello I’m very happy because today when I came to work on my wallet was feathercoins.
I don’t know how it is possible but at home wasn’t.
I have in office and at home the same wallet, but now I see different transaction list.
Part of them is the same but at home I have few which never should be.The whole situation is very strange, but I’m glad that I have regained my feathercoins.