Top 5 currency
Quick questions, we all know which coin is the most popular but which other coins are slowly going up?
The only coins I know are:
1. Bitcoins
2. Litecoins
xI have Feathercoins, but don’t know how good there doing compared to the BC and LC.
Competition continues, Until the last moment, do not know the results >:(
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I think we have already succeeded getting this far. Feathercoin has a steady 10% of the Litecoin network hash, the network is “secure”. That is enough hash to process the transactions and make attacks difficult or expensive.
You can’t be valuable or useful if your not there and it takes time for a “normal product or service” to gain acceptance. With introducing crypto currency we are dealing with something more rev*lutionary than a normal product and therefore more difficult.
1 Bitcoin
2 Litecoin
3 Peercoin
4 Namecoin
5 NovacoinMy personal top 5 would be
1 Bitcoin
2 Litecoin
3 Primecoin
4 Peercoin
5 Namecoin or Devcoin (can’t really decide)Sorry, FTC isn’t really in my top 5 :-[
But everybody will have another list, the top one is actually the only thing that counts but can change any moment. -
Actually feathercoin is number 5 according to the link you posted.