Hi everyone,
I’ve been following the Feathercoin community on the forums for a while now and have been mining FTC since the end of last year and I have to say I agree with a lot of the recent posts regarding the current state of the currency. To this end I’ve got a couple of points I’d like to make:
1. The signup process for this forum is a bit convoluted. It took me 5 attempts to work out what the captcha said before I could register (the audio didn’t work either) and then I spent even more time figuring out that I needed to post in the newbie section before I could reply to this current thread. I think the registration process and posting guidelines for newcomers should be made easier and more user friendly. The easier it is to signup the more people will join.
2. The main FTC website needs an overhaul and needs to appeal to a wider market. That’s not to say the current web site is bad. There has obviously been plenty of work put into it and I appreciate there are already efforts underway to update it, but I think the redesign needs to be less tech focused and aimed more at the masses, with the FTC brand message being simple and understandable by the majority. If you want mass market adoption you need simple messaging that people understand. Ask yourself the question… what is Feathercoin? Why should I use it? What differentiates it from the other currencies?
3. What can be done to increase awareness of FTC? Does it need a media/PR stunt like the recent Jamaican bosbled team financing to make it more ‘digestible’ to the masses? How can we make FTC the crypto currency with mass appeal? Despite all the media hype around Bitcoin it is still a mystery to the average man on the street.
Anyway… sorry for if this seems like a rant… it’s not intended to be. I’d just really like to see FTC succeed and I think it needs a little bit of a shake up!
alles gut!
tdog x