I will be happy to give you my take as someone who doesn’t understand all these coins? (But is learning) – the first thing I don’t understand is about “what” the downloads are for? I did a little research about “miners” and “pools” and I think I have a small sense of what that is this morning.
I would say that to someone like me? Your video on the front page was a HUGE draw. “Friendly”
Your logos? That feather is really gorgeous, and the feather emerging from the “chip” is also really gorgeous as a design. The minute I saw that in twitter, I loved that.
Looking at your front page? That feather could be a huge horizontal element where the grey bar is right now.
Your “politics” are what I like. “Robin Hood” – yesterday I researched all these different places that were “bitcoin” – but? It doesn’t feel like your place does? This morning now I see what a “wallet” is. Also, I saw you could buy a feathercoin in Ebay?
There is so much mythology around “feathers” – the feather in the cap, that old film “The Three Feathers” and so forth – also here in the US that feather resonates with American Indian motifs. It’s just a really strong and good symbol of something that is “alive” not “dead” – as it emerges from the image of “the chip.” Having a green feather makes it even stronger!
I hope that makes sense?
I used to design advertising for a newspaper in a different life. If you think about “branding” with that feather – think about how the Starbucks logo is recognized? (Although I don’t like them much) your logo has that same kind of visual weight!