A community is important to maintain FTC. I enjoy the people here, I enjoy the mature discussions we have, I enjoy the help I receive from people like you. I just don’t know if that is enough. Being nice guys will be hard in a market where people want to destroy each other.
If we solely rely on being such a great community what would happen next? Let’s say FTC is performing outstanding and it draws attention of 100 thousands of people. Half of them will join the forums. Who can garantee me that those 50k people are just as nice as us right now. You cannot. FTC will turn into what we see at Bitcoin. Bunch of savages in for the money. Then tell me, will FTC’s differentiator be as good as today?
Don’t get me wrong, I really hope FTC would be as famous as LTC. But our USP is community. I just don’t see that last long. Therefore I plee to you guys to communicate more to the outside world what FTC is about more than just an awesome community.
If we do manage to keep the community neat and tidy when 50k + then yes FTC will rule.