Hello from Oslo, Norway!
I’ve been looking into CC for about a week, and I am hooked! I’ve looked into building a GPU rig, as the same time I’ve explored mining with some existing equipment. At the time being, I am managing a combined 160-260 kH/s with two different laptops. Now I have filled a couple of pages in my note-taking application (Cintanotes) with links and bfgminer and cudaminer configurations. (CPU miner minerd.exe turned up as malicious software, by the way (Malwarebytes))
But what CC should I go with? This has maybe been the most difficult descision so far. I wanted to find the “right” CC, and had some ideas of its citeria: opensourced, people/community based, accessible, marketplace adoption, secure, democratic and fair. Well, after having dismissed FTC for a while based purely on its name and logo (no, I don’t want a cartoon-like CC, thank you very much!), I went to feathercoin.com, watched the introduction video, and knew at once that I like the ideas behind this CC!
So, I want to be in on this long-term, and see this becoming a significant CC.
Thank you, early adopters!