[quote name=“ShadowEW” post=“1051” timestamp=“1367748916”]
Seems quite a nice server setup you have going there, I’d never of thought you’d splash out on such hardware for a startup pool.
Although curiosity forces me to ask; Do you own the hardware by any chance, as in at your home? :P
Also, you may want to correct one error and very quickly, your domain is being referred to your local LAN IP ( ) and thus only you will ever be able to see it. I’d advise you get your WAN IP from somewhere like : http://whatsmyip.tiff-tools.com/ and substitute it in instead.
C:\Windows\system32>nslookup fcp2pool.no-ip.biz
Server: cache1.service.virginmedia.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: fcp2pool.no-ip.biz
That is correct. Ill fix this problem as soon as I can. And yes I do own this hardware.