Did this ever take off (pun intended)?
Did this ever take off (pun intended)?
Also, having sound tech doesn’t bring customers… sure bad tech sends them packing, but we need to focus on value adding features. What does the crypo community want in an altcoin? What does a potential customer want? Seamless transactions which they can use for anything; the visa/mastercard of the crypto world? Current users are simply speculative traders which is a destructive niche and one that is already a totally saturated market. So where then can FTC provide value? That is the question we need to be answering; all the awesome tech in the world won’t make people necessarily use it, and then its still a gold plated poop.
Minimum Viable Product, and go from there. I had high hopes for the Hull City trial… how is that going and who is in touch with them?
An opportunity perhaps… make sure FTC is the first coin to adhere to said “regulations” and it becomes the speculative investors choice, and boom real world usage!
Kelsey is talking about a shared purpose… why does FTC exist? Give the man a real world strategic goal! It follows Simon Sinek’s golden circle; why do we do what we do, how are we going to do it, and what will it look like when it is done.
If you can come to a common conclusion on those questions; a shared purpose for existing that people can get passionate about, then we have a force to be reckoned with…otherwise its just farting around in the wind with tech features nobody wants or knows they need…
I believe in a decentralised currency detached from mainstream banking which allows anyone, no matter their geographic location, the power to control their own finances. We will do this with Feathercoin, a cryptocurrency which is immune to centralised minting (ASIC resistant) thus ensuring accessibility to the masses. Insert awesome tech features I don’t understand like multisig etc. here.
Your turn!
I would use it if I could trade FTC for sure!
This is what sxtx and multisig is for.
It will allow us to create a ftc replacement for paypal.
More details to come soon we hope.
Now this excites me! As for what SxTx and multisig are, I have no idea (but that isn’t important). What are the benefits over Paypal? How will this make our customers lives better/faster/cheaper etc.
Having just read through the entire thread I think one fundamental issue has not been raised or discussed. You are missing the commercialisation piece.
We are cut off from our customers, i.e. the people who are actually going to USE the coin. Correct me if I’m wrong, but transactions have fallen significantly, and no amount of theorising about the economics or inventing new technical solutions is going to change the fact that people aren’t using FTC for anything. You want to solve the problems with the world economy, great, who is going to use PoS, PoA, or PoW? As a consumer, I don’t have time to read around the topic to understand the solutions being suggested in real terms, and nor should I.
If you want me (as a new customer of the coin) to use your product, I’m going to need to be convinced it has benefit without having to understand the technology behind it. Give me a 2 line value proposition for these ideas!
Enough with the intellectual wanking; it is of the utmost importance that we start to re-engage with our potential users. I remember a time when our VP was that you could buy beer with FTC. It sounds simple, but that was such a key selling point to many people… where are we headed now? If I come to the forums and read the news, its way out of date. We need a new ChrisJ to keep the outside world up to speed with developments and to engage with customers to find out what they want. Customers --> requirements --> idea/solution --> technical development. That is the order of things and we don’t have customers right now.
Just saw this over on the pool I use WeMineFTC.com…
Attention all miners! Due to the continuing falling prices and interest in FTC we regret to inform you we will be shutting down our FTC pool on 2/26/15.
Unfortunately we are not receiving anywhere near enough in donations to cover server and operating costs. We have been running at a loss for a while now using our own funds to cover the costs but we can not sustain this further.
All users must withdraw their coins by 2/26/2015. Any coins left on the server will be considered a donation and will be used to pay final server costs.
Please consider switching to mine with our LTC pool at WemineLTC.com
Can’t blame them, but ouch…
Good idea, and long overdue! Kudos!
Oops! Something went wrong!
The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave.
Boooooo :(
Edit - I can’t delete the quote box :p
Ah okay, that makes sense! Can we pull the list of ongoing projects into a newsletter? Last one was months ago!
Agreed. Give the website some manner of real time response, and boost community numbers.
Having read back up the forum post, I think we should aim to trial the technology in a dead coin, and then implement it into FTC as soon as is practicable. I don’t see an issue with illegality or the potential misuse of such a system; the fundamental implications of censorship are too important to ignore. The opportunities you guys are talking about and working on will be core freedoms if the world goes ‘tits up’, and I’d like to think that will give FTC more value than any other coin out there. Kudos to you all. Lets make it happen!
I have contacted both of the companies and have sent a email asking them to consider adding Feathercoin as a payment option to their sites. I’ve thought of contacting Newegg and TigerDirect also and seeing if they would consider adding Feathercoin as a form of payment also.
I have emailed both of these corporations requesting they consider adding Feathercoin. If you wish to push for wider adoption I am ready and willing to assist you in your efforts to do so.
Thanks guys :), we all need to show that our community still exists and is interested in trading.
Anyone heard from Bushstar or Ruthie? I can’t see any forum posts from them for a good few months? Have they had a kid or something? :D
To commercialise, we need to get people to send multiple emails to various merchants to show that a) we are a strong community, and b) that it’s worth investing their time into taking our coins as payment.
Before we start to buy goods however, we need to get a payment processor to accept feathercoin, hedged against some fiat. Otherwise merchants will not be able to exchange their real world goods into cash immediately. The best way to do that is to try and gain further feathercoin adoption via services, such as the SendChat application. If you could email the two examples I posted earlier (bitfenix and SendChat) saying that you would like to trade FTC with their service, then that will help gain some momentum.
We need a campaign plan on the main forums I think!
Kind regards,
I only suggest it because they have a wider community that we could benefit from. Plus, if it stops the PB from ever going down again, that’s a win win for all isn’t it?
Best of luck in your endeavors though… its well above my level of technical understanding!
Has anyone suggested a partnership to them?
Anyone still doing the newsletters and community engagement? We need to start pushing for wider adoption and commercialising the efforts of our developers. This weekend I emailed bitfenix asking them to put FTC on their trading pairs, and also SendChat given that they just integrated DarkCoin. We need to bring back the crowd lobbying, especially as BTC-e is taking FTC off their books, else we will be nothing more than a community of interest.
I would hope that the terrible English is a sign that the news feed was hacked, but given that all the coins being de-listed are around the same price, I fear that this is for real. Things are too quiet at the moment, we need another newsletter and some community action. It’s not the end of the world if it goes off BTC-e, as it means its less likely to be a speculative coin, but it does stop people from being able to access(purchase) it as easily.
We need more merchant adoption, more uses, more real world application. I don’t think FTC has any problem with inventing interesting uses or technologies for the coin, but we really need to drive commercial applications if we want to survive.