I am new in the forum. I am from Valencia, Spain. Since yesterday I am also in Reddit although it seems to be a little sleepy. I have just mined today my first 200 feathercoins. For anyone interested this is my setup:
- I use ccminer mostly with the pool p2pool.kosmoplovci.org:19327.
- MSI GTX980 ti overclocked (1,02 MH/s).
- Overclocking settings for MSI Afterburner:
**Core voltage: not changed.
**Power limit: 110%.
**Temp. limit: 91ºC.
**Core clock: +200 (1500 MHz).
**Memory clock: not changed.
**Fan speed: auto.
With these OC settings I gain 40 kH/s for neoscrypt and 5 MH/s for lyra2v2.
Changing the topic, I installed the last Feathercoin wallet v0.9.6.1 and even adding sync nodes it took ~5 days to sync!!!
As far as I am Bittrex user, I decided to mine directly using my Feathercoin Bittrex wallet address (as far as I didn´t chose if I was going to change the coins to BTC or other or to maintain the FTC coins). I would like to hear your feelings about using the wallet or a third party service provider wallet like Bittrex and about what do yo do with your mined coins. I am also interested in knowing other spanish/valentian miners/hackers/etc. people.
Saludos from Valencia!