Feathercoin Forum : Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Feathercoin Forums! To participate in the forums, you must agree to this code of conduct.
The Feathercoin Forums are a place to get information on all aspects of Feathercoin, from the basic information on what Feathercoins and crypto currencies in general are, to how to mine them, how to spend them and how to store them. They are also the place for discussions on the the future of Feathercoin, to request new features or enhancements and to get help when you have an issue with the Feathercoin Client or any affiliated mining pools or merchants.
We also want this to be a place where community can develop and we can have mature conversations and discussions, as well as having some fun along the way. To achieve this, we strive to maintain an atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all and we ask all members of the community to be respectful at all times. This means please use etiquette and politeness. Treat people with kindness, gentleness and respect. If you do this, the rest of the code of conduct won’t need more than a cursory mention.
Users agree not to post anything abusive, rude, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening or sexually explicit. Material that suggests illegal activity or contains illegal content is also forbidden. Advertising, marketing and any sexually oriented material are also forbidden except in the specific circumstances explained elsewhere in this Code. All content should be safe for work and school.
Users who post content which violates this code may receive warnings or may be temporarily or permanently banned. Posts which violate this Code may be moved, edited or deleted at the discretion of the Moderating Team.
Finally, you agree that Moderating Team have the right to remove, edit, move or close any post, topic or thread at any time they see fit following the guidelines outlined below. You agree that the Moderators of this forum have the right to send a private message with a warning and/or censor any forum user who is in violation of forum policy.
This Code of Conduct also applies equally to the Feathercoin Forums and Feathercoin Chatbox.
Section I - General Policy:
1. Respect the Forum Staff: We provide a service in our free time to keep the forums running efficiently. We are all volunteers. Feedback is welcome. If you believe an error has been made in moderation or other staff actions, please post politely in the Resolution Center and help us understand your perspective.
2. Adult Content, Violence, Illegal Activity: Messages containing violent, sexually oriented, or illegal content or links to sites with this content will either be deleted or saved in the Moderator’s Area as evidence. Messages with links to or suggesting illegal activity will also be deleted. Posting or linking to any of these could result in a ban.
3. Trolling, Attacks and Flaming: These are always forbidden.
-Trolling is posting in a way that provokes emotional responses.
-Attacks and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome. This includes references to other Crypto Currencies and those who support them.
-Flames are messages that personally attack or call any people names or otherwise harass. These, along with any generally condescending posts will be edited or removed at the moderators discretion.
-If a thread is flame-bait (appears to be intended to start an argument or is likely to cause an argument rather than enhance discussion, as in trolling), it will be locked or removed without notice. Individual flame-bait comments in a post may be deleted or edited at the moderators’ discretion.
-If the thread turns into an argument, it can be closed to further comment or removed without notice. Sometimes a moderator may split the thread or delete certain portions in order to keep the discussion going, but that is not always possible since we are a staff of volunteers with limited time and numbers.
4. Spam (unsolicited advertising): Spam will be deleted and the account posting it will likely be banned. You are allowed to have links to personal sites in your signature and in your profile, and may post them in threads on occasion (just not often, please) as long as the content of the site linked does not include material that violates this code of conduct and if you are not posting any other form of advertising.
5. Report Posts: If you have found a post or receive a private message that you feel is inappropriate or that violates the forum code of conduct, please use the report function to notify staff. Do not attempt to moderate discussions or correct other users yourself.
6. Signatures: Signature content must conform to the same guidelines as all content in this code of conduct.
7. Avatars: Images must comply with the content guidelines of this code of conduct.
8. Multiple Accounts: Users may only have one active account. If you feel you have justification for requiring a new account, please contact an administrator to discuss your situation. Users who have multiple accounts without approval of an administrator may be penalized or banned.
9. Editing of posts: When a post breaks guidelines and requires editing in order to bring it back under compliance with this Code of Conduct, the moderator should generally copy the un-edited post to the Moderator’s Area first. Only after the original post is preserved as evidence should the original post be edited.
10. Thread Closing: Staff are not required to do so, but are requested to post an explanation in a thread that is closed when time permits. This is a non-exhaustive list of reasons a thread may be closed, but will give the general idea:
-The thread has run it’s course and posts have begun repeating themes
-The thread has degraded into an argument
-The thread topic is a duplicate of another current and active thread
-The thread is very old.
11. Staff posting and moderating in the same thread: This is generally discouraged. Exceptions include when no one else is available or when content very clearly violates the code of conduct.
12. Appeals: If you have a complaint about a staff action or believe an action was taken in error, the process for dealing with that is to first post in the Resolution Center and a member of the Moderators Team will respond. You may appeal to the entire Moderator and Admin Team if you are unsatisfied.
Section 2 - Posting Guidelines
1. Advertising is generally not permitted. However, affiliated merchants may create a single thread in the Marketplace section explaining (briefly) what they offer and with a link to their website or other online presence. This thread may also be used for announcements and further information on the merchant, but may not be used as blatant advertising. If in doubt, check with a Moderator whether a post is acceptable.
2. Where a merchant sells items of a sexual nature, the above rules still apply. However, they will be expected to exhibit good taste in how they explain what they offer and any other information they choose to provide. As this is potentially a sensitive area for some, close contact with the Moderation Team is actively encouraged in these circumstances.
3. The Feathercoin forums are intended to be a place where anyone interested in cryptocurrencies in general and Feathercoin specifically is welcomed. We will encourage robust debate and accurate information, but we will not condone the negativity and personal attacks which unfortunately have characterised many cryptocurrency forums. We have a common goal to ensure Feathercoin becomes widely accepted and we do not have the time or inclination to get involved in other coin bashing. If that is what people want to do, there are many oulets to do so, this is not one of them.
4. Enjoy your time here, get involved and become part of Feathercoin’s strongest asset: it’s community!
This code of conduct may change and evolve with time based on constructive feedback and experience. It is our hope that these policies will foster helpful, honest, and civil interaction. It is the users’ responsibility to check this page for updates.