This is a work in progress, and will be updated as necessary.
No, this thread is not about any other mining software because mining software is very specific. CGminer, since it’s release has been very dependent on driver specifics to work with ATI GPU’s, and although this release is not by the original author, it still depends on the drivers.
How does this effect you? Well, it depends on what you want to get out of GPU mining.
If all you want, is plug and play mining, it simply means that you need 13.11 or 13.12 ATI drivers, and a batch file with the correct settings. This will give you about 60% of what your GPU is currently capable of for hashrate.
If you want the maximum performance out of your GPU’s, plan on spending some time. Below is the best step by step procedure that has been found to work. (if a better procedure is found, the procedure shown will be updated)
First, download the following:(any of these you already have don’t need to be re-downloaded)
CGminer 3.7.7B (windows) -
CGminer 3.7.7B source -
Display Driver Uninstaller -
ATI 13.11 drivers -
The latest ATI drivers -
and to overclock
MSI Afterburner -
Why download all that stuff? Well, you did want to mine faster than the lazy guy, right?
The driver updating procedure is a revision of what is posted by rynomite here :
NOTE - read this entire process below through before you start it, as if you forget something you have to start over -
-uninstall existing ATI drivers
-run the driver uninstaller to clean out the remnants
-install 13.11 drivers
At this point, you now have a clean 13.xx driver install.
- if you have already been experimenting with CGminer 3.7.7B, go to that folder and delete ALL .bin files (this is critical)
-If you haven’t, then unzip CGminer (or compile if you have the source)
You now have CGminer 3.7.7B ready to start creating the .bin files that you need to use to run the updated ATI drivers.
-if you have found known settings that work create your batch file or .conf file with those settings and run it. If you have everything right it should detect your GPU(s) and start mining
-if you want to try out your own settings, try them out and WRITE THEM DOWN as you will need them again. Try as many settings as you want, it will just create more .bin files that you will need later
Once you are satisfied with the settings that you have, move on.
-update the drivers to 14.xx. (if you are anal, you can run DDU again, but upgrading it shouldn’t be necessary)
You are now ready to start mining at increased speeds available by using the 14.xx drivers.
-if you have known settings to use, just run CGminer and start mining
-if you are experimenting, get your list of settings I told you to make, and start trying them out. Some will run the same speed as the 13.xx drivers, others will run with a drastic increase in speed. Note which is which, and after trying them all pick the fastest and start mining.
**If you’re happy with what you have now, STOP HERE!!! ** If you want to go even further:
-install afterburner
-lower voltage and increase core and memory clocks in small increments (note: neoscrypt is not a huge heat creator, you will crash the drivers long before you burn the cards)
-after finding the optimized settings and getting another 15% increase (my experience) save the settings
-grin and be smug, because you just took a little time and got a drastic increase over the lazy people!!
A list of best known settings will be in the next post… (if you have something that works well, feel free to post it in this thread, and it will get added to the list)
What happens of you skip a step? You’ll see what happens by others posting issues below.