I installed the Windows wallet on one of my rigs a couple of weeks ago and have been mining it IPOMiner’s pool but haven’t cashed out yet.
Had a lot of problems today trying to sync my Feathercoin wallet. Decided to install the wallet on another of my windows rigs.
To cut a long story short downloaded it again from https://www.feathercoin.com
It is downloaded as feathercoin-qt.rar - I’ve inflated and it is version There are three files
in the folder - I would have expected to use the feathercoin-qt-exe file but if I launch it it will not run and complains that the dll’s mentioned above are missing. The other two files in the folder make the same complaint if you launch them - those files are feathercoind.exe and feathercoin-cli.exe
Not an expert but seems to be either a compile or packaging fault.