@AcidD just collected all my files… it may help cause since im registered in this forum the question on how to solo mine raises sometimes…
Posts made by shadow1117
RE: [Guide] Solo mining for Feathercoin and Neoscrypt
RE: best mining software and config for gtx1070
@sabre for nvidia cards i always recomend ccminer
https://github.com/djm34/ccminer-sp-neoscrypt/releases/tag/1.5.79-djm34-editionand for your config where do you want to mine?
RE: Solo mining question/ new member =)
@wrapper can you move it? i created it in the mining section
[Guide] Solo mining for Feathercoin and Neoscrypt
[FAQ] How do I solo mine Feathercoin?
It is not recommenced to try mining solo unless you have a lot of hashing power like 8x GTX1070 or something in this ballpark otherwise its very unlikely that you will ever mine a block by yourself and yo may wait long periods without gaining a block.
All you need is:
Your Feathercoin wallet (feathercoin-qt.exe) fully synced
A feathercoin.conf file in the data folder of the feathercoin wallet with this contents(wherever you installed feathercoin\data\feathercoin.conf):
you have to have the wallet running while mining!
restart the wallet after you have created this file:server=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcallowip= rpcport=9337 port=9336
A fairly recent version of ccminer (rename .exe file to ccminer.exe (i didnt test others))
i am using this one (ccminer_cuda75.exe):
and a .bat /.cmd file with following content:ccminer.exe -a neoscrypt -i 22 -o -u user -p pass pause
The screen should look like this:
RE: Solo mining question/ new member =)
@Wellenreiter i think i copy that into the mining section as how to solo mine?
RE: Solo mining question/ new member =)
Oh sorry guys didnt notice that here is a post with people having this problem (i helped @milkeyway over pm) shouldnt use mark all as read :-(
All you need is:
your Feathercoin wallet (feathercoin-qt.exe) fully synced
a feathercoin.conf file (wherever you installed feathercoin\data\feathercoin.conf) in the data folder of the feathercoin wallet with his contents: you have to have the wallet running while mining and restart the wallet after you have created this file
server=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcallowip= rpcport=9337 port=9336
a fairly recent version of ccminer (rename .exe file to ccminer.exe (i didnt test others))
i am using this one:
and a .bat /.cmd file with following content:ccminer.exe -a neoscrypt -i 22 -o -u user -p pass pause
and it should look like this:
RE: Whats going on with P2Pool
@AcidD yes but seems to work again I havnt tested just seen this morning that there seemed to be a problem so I switched the pool
RE: Whats going on with P2Pool
I own neither if the pools
I mined on one of them and switched to the other this morning… both seem to work fine now… I may open my own and play a bit with the source code
RE: Roadmap for US Dollar?
@KingScorpio @AcidD @wrapper
I Think he got it too reads kind of serious but is absolutely hilarious thank you guy’s I love this kind of humor -
RE: Attention! Feathercoin v0.9.6.1 released!
Is it compatible to the old release v0.9.6.0 just overwrite and everything is good to go? Or do I have to resync the blockchain and import my wallet?
RE: Solo mining question/ new member =)
It looks okay so far there should be something like block number … in the console about every minute…
But I think with a single GTX1070 you should mine in a pool.
RE: Feathercoin's future price
Amazing times…
FTC has a 24h volume of 264.86117586 BTC on bittrex right now that are 684887.64 USD probably the highest volume I’ve ever seen for FTC.
And is was on 10 uscent tonight.
The halving is going to be huge. (I hope so)
Absolutely crazy:
RE: Extremely high difficulty on P2Pool
@Wellenreiter hmm the /diff setting dosn’t seem to do annything
Extremely high difficulty on P2Pool
ive read a bit about the p2pool things and i know that the difficulty in p2pool is individualy calculated… for bandwidth or whatever… im getting extremely high difficultys about 900+ is that normal? this way my cards only report a hare every 2 to 3 minutes which makes p2pool think im way slower than i realy am.
One Reason more to use Crypto currency
I found this video on YouTube…
If he had used any crypto for this he wouldn’t have this issue. -
RE: Exchanges that trade Feathercoin (FTC)
@AcidD I have a bittrex and a cryptopia account both are good for ftc but bittrex has bigger volume and lower fees… and I like the design and usability of bittrex a lot more
RE: GTX 1070 Vs GTX 1080!
I can squeeze up to 800KH/s out of my GTX970 G1 Gaming… but at that point it draws nearly 400W… (650KH/s at 250W) so you have to plug efficiency into the calculation… my 970 is fast but power hungry…
The Power Measurements are Card only the whole system draws about 100 to 250W extra because it’s serving some other purposes too.
RE: Need help setting up to mine! Would like to start tonight asap!
CCMiner has better CUDA(NVIDIA) implementation in my opinion
NSGMiner runns well on OpenGL wich is better for AMD cards -
RE: Need help setting up to mine! Would like to start tonight asap!
Have you tried a different miner?