Been on coinotron since I started back in December. Mining mostly ftc (90%)and a few ltc once in a while.
What does the community use for ftc? Running about 3.5mh/s now.
Been on coinotron since I started back in December. Mining mostly ftc (90%)and a few ltc once in a while.
What does the community use for ftc? Running about 3.5mh/s now.
I’ve set this up with a bare debian 6.08 i386 netinst installation.
I have a couple of questions.
How long does it normally take for this blockchain to sync? been running for 12 hours and still not finished? The server is on fairly strong link, so speed isn’t a problem.
I am also unable to connect to my [url=][/url] Firefox and IE give me “Unable to connect”
Any other dependancies i may need?