Success! By joining the Feathercoin forums, I have declared myself an official member of the community. I have been mining FTC on and off for the last few months, but I really want to help the coin get up off the ground.
I’m tech savvy enough to be able to set up cgminer and mine Feathercoins, and that in itself is above what the typical computer user can do. Oh, and I can assemble a computer. Once again not something most people could do. But after lurking the feathercoin forums for weeks, I have come to the realization that you guys are geniuses when compared to the skills that I possess. That is why I love feathercoin and its community - you guys all seem to know exactly how to get this coin to its maximum potential whatever that may be.
All I could really do is help share the word by telling family and friends. Also, I am deciding whether or not to become an active member on the marketplace and I will let you guys know soon. If I do decide, I will be selling the latest games primarily for Xbox One and Playstation 4 for competitive prices. Let’s say $45-50 for an unopened still in its seal game. Also, gaming gear such as razer products, steel series etc. once again for competitive prices. Hopefully, that will provide an incentive for more people to use feathercoin :)
That was just a brief introduction, see you guys around the forums!
Ps: Why is the chat always empty… We need to change that ASAP haha