Here is a more thorough table with better formatting:
Here is a more thorough table with better formatting:
Thank you for the help. Is this chart correct?
[{‘end’: 204638, ‘reward’: 200, ‘start’: 1},
{‘end’: 2100000, ‘reward’: 80, ‘start’: 204639},
{‘end’: 4200000, ‘reward’: 40.0, ‘start’: 2100001},
{‘end’: 6300000, ‘reward’: 20.0, ‘start’: 4200001},
{‘end’: 8400000, ‘reward’: 10.0, ‘start’: 6300001},
{‘end’: 10500000, ‘reward’: 5.0, ‘start’: 8400001},
{‘end’: 12600000, ‘reward’: 2.5, ‘start’: 10500001},
{‘end’: 14700000, ‘reward’: 1.25, ‘start’: 12600001},
{‘end’: 16800000, ‘reward’: 0.625, ‘start’: 14700001},
{‘end’: 18900000, ‘reward’: 0.3125, ‘start’: 16800001},
{‘end’: 21000000, ‘reward’: 0.15625, ‘start’: 18900001}]
When I add up the coins for each ‘era’, I get a total of 360 Million coins. Where is my mistake?
I hope you don’t mind but I’ve added to the moneywagon project:
Now feathercoin is supported in Multiexplorer wallet too!
FTC was supported a while ago via the ftc-c insight instance, but that instance stopped working at some point in thime so I had to remove FTC support. Its nice to get FTC back again!
When the coin first launched, it has block every 2.5 minutes and the reward was 200 coins with a total of 336 million coins.
At block 204639, apparently the reward was changed to 80 Coins per Block, and the block time was changed to once every minute.
Can I get more information on the reward halfing? Did the reward ever half before block 204639, or was the reward always 200 coins per block? After block 204639 does the reward ever half? If so how many blocks does the reward halfing happen?
@AmDD I probably will eventually, but I don’t think its my place to run such a service. The community should provide these services for people like me. My project is coin-agnostic, I would like to add FTC, but there are many other coins out there that I could add, that already have a full API running that requires no extra work on my part.
@ChekaZ That API is missing some essential functions. Such as “Push TX”, and “Unspent Outputs”. These endpoint are essential to building a wallet, and the API is missing these… The BitPay Insight instance had everything I need…
I know there are about a half-dozen FTC blockexplorers that are out there, but none of them I know of have an API. There used to be a BitPay Insight instance running on, but it appears to be no longer running. I need this API for a project I’m building that I want to support FTC.
There used to be an Insight instance running at but it seems to be offline at the moment. My project that uses feathercoin relies on a Bitpay Insight to operate… Does anybody know of another feathercoin Insight running somewhere?