[quote name=“Pr1ke” post=“1003” timestamp=“1367709004”]
Dont forget the Cpus! ;)
Yes! Gpus tend to run perfectly on Higher Temperature Flaawless, the only problem is that they have a decreased lifetime…
i hate noise when i want to sleep :D
looking forward for your results :)
For the Wattage/Hashrate of a CPU. I’d rather not. :P || At my disposal (if I wanted) I have:
Intel 3930k C2 @ 4.3GHz / 12 Threads (7970 x2)
Intel i5-650 @ 4GHz / 4 Threads (4890 x2)
AMD Phenom II 1090T @ 4.5GHz / 6 Cores (6950 x1)
AMD Athlon II 635 @ Stock / 4 Cores (Nothing at present) (Have a spare 4890 / 5570)
AMD Llano 3400 @ 4GHz / 2 Cores (APU) (6450)