Great thread!!
I am struggling building a rig with the Sapphire R9 280x Dual X OC.
It is on a W7 64 Pro, Intel Xeon [email protected], 4Gb RAM Fujitsu Celsius M470, open case no special cooling. I am not looking at too much OC, just a steady mining around 700KH/s
Using cgminer 3.7.2 and AMD Catalyst 13.12.
When I start cgminer with the command below, the temperature will steadily go up and never stops climbing, in less than a minute it gets to 90C with fan at 100, then 20 more seconds to 96C. At that time I stop cgminer… it has reached 710Kh/s
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://xxx:9999 -u x.x -p x -g 2 --worksize 256 --intensity 13 --thread-concurrency 8192 --gpu-engine 1080 --gpu-memclock 1500 --temp-target 75 --temp-overheat 85 --temp-cutoff 90 --auto-fan --gpu-powertune -20
I tried the above without the temp targets, with gpu-engine between 1020 to 1100, temp-cutoff does not seem to do anything…
What is wrong???
I have the exact same rig with two R9 270 Windforce running flowlessly.
Any hints appreciated.