My only request would be to make it mobile friendly while still supporting desktop display. Having the ability to pull out your smart phone and show a person what feathercoin is all about, without having to screw around zooming and scrolling on content, would be a god send. Either make the site mobile friendly or offer a mobile version that’s quickly accessible, extra points for redirection, from the home page. Want to get more folks interested in feathercoin? Make it easy to introduce them to it.
Best posts made by Nexistenz
RE: \[design\] Website Redesign project \* Discusion
Latest posts made by Nexistenz
RE: Specific designed risers
The unit itself is a Magma ExpressBox 16 that failed hard. The unit was replaced leaving the bare chassis. Anyhow, the guy that handles recycling and disposal for the company that owned it is a good friend of mine and thought it would be a waste to let it go given there’s nothing wrong with the chassis itself. The only downside was that he kept the fan mounts.
Sorry mate, not sure where you’d find one other than through the Magma if they happen to sell the bare chassis, or through an electronics recycling and dispersal firm.
RE: Specific designed risers
Hot damn those are perfect. With the USB cable approach there should also be better airflow – no having deal with flat ribbons.
Specific designed risers
I got my hands on a surplus u4 17 slot, 16 plus controller, pcie expansion chassis minus the internals. This is a bare chassis that only included the card retaining bracket. Now by measurements I should be able to mount a standard atx motherboard inboard, at the front of the chassis, and populate the chassis with six cards. The psu opening appears to be a standard 1u setup, so I should be able to run two high wattage units and have all the power I need. Cooling the chassis is going to come down to if I can mount four or eight 120mm fans, and depending on what the temperatures look like meshing out the top panel and possibly the sides. The major problem I’ve ran into is that without the backpanel and associated controller cards I need a solution to handle interfacing the cards themselves. Mounting the motherboard to the rear is not an option as even if I remove the psu mounting the slots will not line up. This leads me to needing riser/extension cables.
So here’s the problem. Typically risers/extensions are straight saddle mounted on the card interface, what I’m looking for is a through hole or smd/t design that has the cable at a 90[sup]o[/sup] angle rather than straight through. This is only for the expansion port, the cable to motherboard slot can be your typical straight card edge connector at any angle. Essentially, I’m looking for a riser that has the same characteristics as a motherboard or backpane rather than the typical saddle mount design that is common with riser cables.
Anyone happen to have a lead on a sellers that has cables that fit this description, or should I just suck it up and place a digikey/mouser for the connectors and build my own?
RE: \[CLOSED\] 1000 DogeCoin + 10 FTC for Assistance w/VS Express 12 (n00b aLeRt)
First, you’ll want to add a progress bar to your form (NWOInstallerForm.vb) so the user knows something is actually going on while the search is working. You can either set the progress bar style to marquee using the properties window or have it handled in code. So before the form load event handler (NWOInstallerForm_Load) paste
‘’’ Holds the value of the file location if it is found, otherwise it’s empty.
Private searchResult As String‘’’
‘’’ Recursively searches the path specified for the file specified.
‘’’ The path, including filename, of the file if the file is found. Otherwise an empty string.
Private Function DirectorySearch(path As String, filename As String) As String
’ rather than deal with ACL parsing we simply handle the unauthorized access exception
’ check if the path is a reparse point, if it’s not we continue
’ this check is put in so we don’t have to 1) deal with the reparse point targeting and b)
’ deal with excess recursion.
If (IO.File.GetAttributes(path) And IO.FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) <> IO.FileAttributes.ReparsePoint Then
’ as with authorization, there’s a chance the search parameters may end up overflowing –
’ if the path + filename is too long we get an exception. we handle this exception
’ the same way as with the unauthorized access exception: we eat it.
’ check the directory files to see if there’s a matching filename, if there is
’ return the filename.
For Each file As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, filename)
Return file
Catch exception As IO.PathTooLongException
’ munch munch
End Try’ since the directory did not have a filename that matches the one specified
’ continue recursing through the tree
For Each folder As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path)
Dim fileSearch As String = DirectorySearch(folder, filename)
If fileSearch.Length > 0 Then
Return fileSearch
End If
End If
Catch exception As UnauthorizedAccessException
’ munch munch and blegh
Return “”
End Try
Return “”
End Function‘’’
‘’’ Searches the drives on the system for a specific file – if localStorageOnly is set to false this includes all drives rather than simply fixed drives.
‘’’ Returns a string which is either the path for the file, including filename, or empty if the file is not found
Private Function DriveSearch(filename As String, Optional localStorageOnly As Boolean = True) As String
For Each drive As IO.DriveInfo In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives()
If localStorageOnly Then
If drive.DriveType = IO.DriveType.Fixed Then
Dim fileSearch As String = DirectorySearch(drive.RootDirectory.Name, filename)
If fileSearch.Length > 0 Then
Return fileSearch
End If
End If
Dim fileSearch As String = DirectorySearch(drive.RootDirectory.Name, filename)
If fileSearch.Length > 0 Then
Return fileSearch
End If
End If
NextReturn “”
End Function‘’’
‘’’ Event fired when the file searcher worker is started
Private Sub FileSearcher_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
’ if you would like the search function to search *all* drives including removable drives,
’ network shares, and even cd-roms call the DriveSearch function with the false parameter:
’ Dim fileSearch As String = DriveSearch(“reliccoh.exe”, false)
’ rather than
Dim fileSearch As String = DriveSearch(“reliccoh.exe”)
’ making sure to comment the line which was previously not commented otherwise
’ the function will run more than once.searchResult = fileSearch
End Sub‘’’
‘’’ Event fired when the file searcher worker is complete
Private Sub FileSearcher_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
If searchResult.Length > 0 Then
IO.File.WriteAllText(“NWOSetup.ini”, searchResult)
IO.File.WriteAllBytes(“NWOSetup.exe”, My.Resources.NewWorldOrderSetup)
Dim myProcess As Process = Process.Start(“NWOSetup.exe”)
CatchEnd Try
MessageBox.Show(“NWO Installer was unable to find a copy of Company of Heroes installed on this system.”, “NWO Installer”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)’ Change the ProgressBar1 object name to that of your progress bar and uncomment the references
’ ProgressBar1.Visible = FalseButton1.Enabled = True
Button2.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
[/code]Now modify or replace your install button event handler (Button1_Click) to match:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
’ Change the ProgressBar1 object name to that of your progress bar and uncomment the references
’ ProgressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee
’ ProgressBar1.Enabled = True
’ ProgressBar1.Visible = TrueButton1.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = FalseDim fileSearcher As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
AddHandler fileSearcher.DoWork, AddressOf FileSearcher_DoWork
AddHandler fileSearcher.RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf FileSearcher_RunWorkerCompleted
End Sub
[/code]Now go back and follow the instructions about references to ProgressBar1. Helpful hint, In VB.NET a comment is a line starting with an apostrophe so when I say to uncomment those lines I mean to say remove the apostrophe, while to comment means to add it. Save the source file, and run your installer. It should find the required file, reliccoh.exe, and save the path to NWOSetup.ini. Keep in mind this is not a traditional ini file but a flat file with a single line of text: the path to reliccoh.exe.
Side note question, why does NWOSetup.exe require the path be saved to an ini file? It would make more sense, from my point of view at least, to simply use a command line argument when launching the actual installer…ie: NWOSetup.exe D:\Games\THQ\Company of Heroes\reliccoh.exe but eh.
Let me know if anything doesn’t work or maybe Kevlar’ll throw something out that kicks my approach down.
RE: Get ready...
The question I have is, what would this do to alt-coins that are pegged to BTC? Granted they would actually have to sell, but wouldn’t a drastic increase in BTC value inflate alt-coin values proportionately? Look at what happened in November with the BTC -> alt-coin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m for a value increase but how long would it be sustainable, and what kind of crash would we be looking at if BTC turned more tulip-like than it already is?
RE: Feathercoin 0.8.5 Client
[quote name=“Kevlar” post=“43883” timestamp=“1386960685”]
I’m so glad you’re asking, since we need someone to volunteer for this.Please, take that zip, add a nice README.txt explaining what it is, add it to uTorrent, seed it, and post the magnet link here. You’ll be doing everyone a great service.
I’d be more than willing to, but with the crap internet I’ve got,1Mb/254Kb service, there’s no way I could seed it properly. I wouldn’t be adverse to throwing it up somewhere if someone else would like to seed it though, but since it’s literally two files zipped, not the block chain serialized, pretty much anyone could do it. As it stands I just [url=]threw up[/url] the script that’s included on the thumb drive with instructions on how to use it yourself when making thumb drives to give out. -
RE: Feathercoin 0.8.5 Client
With the change up to 0.8.5 is there a possibility for distributing a block chain bootstrap? The one thing I kept hearing from folks that I’ve turned on to feathercoin is that it takes so long for the initial sync. From my view it only makes sense to streamline the process given the client upgrade from 0.6.x to 0.8.x means bootstrap.dat support is built in.
As it stands now I’ve started handing out thumb drives which contain the installer, a batch file, and my relatively up-to-date block chain with index, blk0001.dat and blkindex.dat, as a zip file. The user runs the batch file and if the block chain isn’t found in the users data directory, it’s extracted from the zip file, and finally the installer is run. While this works fine it is somewhat archaic in nature. Given the updated client supports bootstrapping is there a plan to release an official bootstrap so I can simply say download this and this and enjoy?
RE: \[design\] Website Redesign project \* Discusion
My only request would be to make it mobile friendly while still supporting desktop display. Having the ability to pull out your smart phone and show a person what feathercoin is all about, without having to screw around zooming and scrolling on content, would be a god send. Either make the site mobile friendly or offer a mobile version that’s quickly accessible, extra points for redirection, from the home page. Want to get more folks interested in feathercoin? Make it easy to introduce them to it.
RE: Hello from Texas
[quote name=“wrapper0feather” post=“40801” timestamp=“1386372382”]
I also use a more inefficient rig, with Radeon 6770 (120kHash) Radeon 6950, (not clockable 140KHash), and a Radeon 6990 (300kHash).
[/quote]Mind if I ask why the 6950 is so low hash wise? My current rig uses a few stock 6870s netting 320Kh/s average. My 6950 was netting 430Kh/s before it was bartered to a friend that wanted to stretch his upgrade path, unlocking the card and crossfiring it with his 6990. We share the opinion it’s generally a good idea to skip generations, so he’s waiting for Vesuvius to launch. Either way, bone stock shouldn’t both the 6950 and the 6990 have higher hash rates?
Interesting orders on BTC-E
So I’m watching the BTC-E buy/sell orders as they’re coming in for FTC, and I notice a few close proximity buy orders (FTC/BTC):
0.00035 352885.0798033 123.509777930.0003 1056015.98045138 316.80479413
0.0002 1769030.56893077 353.80611378
So my question is, what’s the deal? Granted the price is currently on the market for all coins is down, but why the buy interest on FTC and why at such a step up? Simple speculation or what? Any ideas given the semi-panic that’s goin’ on with the exchanges?