Welcome to all new members! This is aimed primarily as a quick start mining guide for new comers and those who simply want to get started mining without playing with settings.
- First, head over to the FeatherCoin GitHub and download the latest release of the FeatherCoin Wallet for your Operating System.
Head over to Wallet>Receiving Addresses in the FeatherCoin Wallet and take note of the address listed. This address will be what you mine to.
- Next, you need to download your mining program. For AMD based miners, nsgminer is recommended; and for NVidia systems, ccminer is recommended.
Make sure you download the correct version of either one for your Operating System, as well as the correct CUDA revision if using ccminer.
- Now you need to decide on a pool to mine to. P2Pool mining pools are recommended, however other centralised pools are popular too. For a list of public P2Pools, see here. Other popular centralised pools are GiveMeCoins and The Blocks Factory.
Remember it’s always best to be mining into a pool whose server is situated closest to you.
- With your receiving address, mining software and pool decided on you’re now ready to create your batch file. The batch file needs to be located within the directory of your mining software in order to execute correctly. Create a new text document and copy the following lines in for your respective mining software.
For ccminer:
ccminer.exe -a neoscrypt -o <your_mining_pool> -u <wallet_address> -p x
(Note, ccminer.exe may be different depending on the release you downloaded and may need altering. Check to see what .exe your mining software is.)
For NSGminer:
nsgminer.exe --neoscrypt -g 1 -w 128 -I 16 -o <your_mining_pool -u <wallet_address> -p x
Save the text documented as all file formats, and name it mine.bat
With all this you’re ready to start mining FeatherCoin!
Note, some mining pools may require you to set up an account with them and possibly may have different batch file requirements. Make sure to follow the example batch files given by these pools.
Now that you’re up and mining, you can sit back and relax while reaping the rewards! Enjoy!