[quote name=“ghostlander” post=“16296” timestamp=“1371598493”]
My concern is what kind of scrypt-jane are we going to implement? YACoin replaced Salsa20/8 with ChaCha20/8 (mix function) and SHA-256 with Keccak-256 (hash function). ChaCha20/8 seems to be a good choice since it’s both faster and stronger than Salsa20/8. Keccak-256, the NIST SHA-3 contest winner, is also fast, though I’m inclined to think that [url=https://blake2.net]BLAKE2sp-256[/url] is a better choice.
YAC uses chacha and keccak512.
Onecoin uses salsa64 and blake512.
Both use the scrypt-jane implementation, but with a different function to increase Nfactor.