theank you for answering so early,
This really depends what the goal of your project is. Feathercoin is a currency/Digital Asset. The main problem I see with Ethereum is that the ICO’s (which are the only “smart” contracts" running on the ETH blockchain) are set up like a pyramid scheme… You have to buy ETH in order to buy the ICO token, thus raising the price of ETH… I would suggest you do heavy research on ETH and if you’re project is new maybe go for ETC which uses the same codebase but they have a slightly different philosophy…less politics and also costs less.
jes ethereum has many problems i dont like, for example that it has become an object of speculation. the high price of ether made it quite exclusive to use, i have no idea where it will end, and weather eteherum will suit. since i am developing a team with bigger blockchain experts, i hope we can later do good decisions about that. but i have a good feeling that buterin will make the total ammounts of ETC unlimited because it doesnt make sense to keep it limited…
I’m only here for feathercoin :-) - I would love to have a discussion about you using Feathercoin for your service :-)
i know u are hard workin on feathercoin, and hoping to upvalue it. i also dont want to demotivate it.
my problem is that from a merchants perspective cryptocurrencies are just empty IT Data-systems, and only the believes of anonymous indefinate people are keeping it valuable.
for a coin that is tethered by invested productive assets i need a special adapted miner reward structure and a different premine. the premine will have a fixed price per coin. because the coins will become shares. its currency value security will be backed also by believes and logomarketing like feathercoin, but also will have a currency security backed by obligations and the risk averse productive investments that the social and legal foundation of the coin runs.
the coin will have basically own its own treasure that is run by a foundation. this will be very good for the value security
so i cant use feathercoin for this but i could use your awesome skills and give you the opportunity to be also members of a sistercoin that has quite different characteristics, with different socio-economic impact, and that is an innovative financial product.