Hello I have a quick question about CudaMiner. I had i setup and it was running fine with my two GTX 670s then I was browsing another forum and someone suggested this command string to another person to make it run better, I tried it out since the person has a GTX 670 also.
[code]cudaminer.exe -i 0 -m 1 -l 143x2 -C 1 -o http://198.xx.xx.xx:xxxx -O username.1:x[/code]
I used it and it improved my mining speed it went from ~114 Khs to ~171Khs but it only works on one GPU, I only see one thread being created. How would I set this command string for my two graphics cards so I can get that same performance on both?
I tried using the following command
cudaminer.exe -i 0,0 -m 1,1 -l 143x2,143x2 -C 1,1 -o http://198.xx.xx.xx:xxxx -O username.1:x[/code]
After using the second command it goes down to around 5 Khs. I even tried adding a -d 0,1 in there but it didn’t work either.
Thank you very much in advance