Hi @jvds,
first of all welcome to the forum.

There is no feature to block any connection in the wallet code.

The problem is to get one initial connection to the feathercoin network, so the addresses of the active nodes can be learned.

If all build in mechanisms to get this first connection established fail, you can manually add a node to get the synchronization started.

For feathercoind:

start feathercoind then issue the command `feathercoind addnode add’

For feathercoin-qt:

start the gui from the main window select ‘help’ ->‘Debug Window’ -> ‘console’ enter ‘feathercoind addnode add’ in the input field at the bottom of the window

This should open a connection to the node which is a p2pool node where a feathercoind is running all time. After some time additional nodes will be learned and the synchronization will start.

Please be aware, that each node has a maximum number of parallel connections and when this is reached, no additional connections will be accepted. Therefore it may take some time to get the initial connection.

If this doesn’t help, please provide the wallet version and OS you are using and if possible the content of the file debug.log which is located in the feathercoin data directory

I will move this thread to the support forum so other developer will find it more easily. You are able to post to that category, too after your initial post in the new member area.