Thanks Uncle!
I really had my head up my A$$ on this one. It was absolutely the power supply causing this issue. I have risers powered and unpowered but was not using them. I had the cards straight into the MOBO. At least until I could get the rig up and running at which time I would put them on risers. I had another P/S (another el cheapo) 450W that I used to power the second card directly and lo and behold. I had two cards hashing away. For about 15 minutes when the second powere supply puked and blew a capacitor. I doubt any of these cheap poer supplies can actually supply the amount of power they are rated for. I guess I’ll have to order me a seasonic or equivalent. I’m torn between trying to use one big ass P/S to power three cards or a medium one to do one card and the mobo and individual smaller ones for each GPU.
Any thoughts on that? I’ll look through the forums as well to see what I find.