just edit your /etc/default/grub.
Remember to update grub afterward with sudo update-grub at the command line.
just edit your /etc/default/grub.
Remember to update grub afterward with sudo update-grub at the command line.
I am still mining, but I would like to know, It is normal for my hash rate to drop on my boxes? I’m using the same settings as I have been. Is this something to do with the pools? Or is it my setup? Thanks!
Well if it was a botnet, would it be plausible to just disable cpu support? Sorry if I’m talking out my ass, I just want to help…
[quote]I will leave my miners on FTC for the next 24 hours…lets see how this plays out.[/quote]
Thank you, tokyoghetto!
[quote]Thank you![/quote]
You’re welcome!
I think I could handle that… Feel free to PM me too…
[quote]Yeah somethign funny is going on for sure… There are alot of orphans on the blockchain as well as the net hash is jumping rapidly.[/quote]
Yeah, it’s 1,479,395 KHash/s last I checked… On the “Last 20 blocks” we only have 4 more blocks to confirm… If only confirmations were always this fast:P
[quote]I will shutting off my miners until this gets looked into…wemineftc got orphaned on one block, found two more blocks and then those two blocks just disappeared. Net hash keeps jumping this is not looking good.[/quote]
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t we need more hashing power on our end to fight this?
I thought the confirmations were going a little fast… lol I checked the stats page too and we have 11 1/2 minute blocks…
Edit: It’s all good!
[attachment deleted by admin]
[quote]Looks like first person shooter no idea how good it is, check utube trailers…?[/quote]
Nexuiz and Nexuiz Classic are pretty bad ass… If you like FPS games these are good. I turned a few friends onto them…
I’m not a gamer, but I do recall hours and hours of my friends playing this on my laptop…
Any chance of getting ball caps in the mix? I wouldn’t mind having a hat with a feathercoin logo on it…
I have to agree. The PPLNS has been good to me so far…
I am having the same issue. It said something about the upload folder not writable… TIA.
[quote]Of course it’s magic, don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise with their fancy lingo![/quote]
We got another one, so magic it is! lol
[quote]ok i think you just need to change 2-3 things
cd Feathercoin -> cd FeatherCoin
qmake -> qmake USE_UPNP=-
and if needed
make -f makefile.unix -> make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-
if a build with UPNP is actually needed , then a step to get that apt-get’ed maybe would be needed? i tried apt-get install miniupnp and it didn’t seem to work
thank you J4c0b5L4tt3r[/quote]
You’re welcome FoBot. Thanks for the corrections. I was writing that from memory and totally forgot about the minipnp on my initial compile. I was recalling the upgrade from 6.3 to 6.4, which I didn’t install minipnp that time, but did on the initial setup. I had the same issue with missing that package too… I will update the above with your corrections. As far as the minipnp, I grabbed a copy off of the Debian repo here: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/miniupnpc
Just install it with “dpkg -i miniupnpc_1.5-2_****.deb” with “sudo” or as "root, and try it again… I believe you will have better luck this time.
Edit: If this works for you let me know and I will submit it to the tutorials section…
[quote]i have setup a linux computer for my wallets
is there a .tar.gz i can download and use or do i have to learn how to compile it from source?
thank you[/quote]
Hi FoBoT, this is for Debian or Ubuntu…
Install these first:
apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev
libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb4.8+±dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
You will need minipnp as well. Although, it may not be in the standard repos, so for the minipnp package, I grabbed a copy off of the Debian repo here:
# dpkg -i miniupnpc_1.5-2_****.deb
with “sudo” or as "root,
Use “sudo” before apt-get on Ubuntu, or switch to “root” on Debian when installing all of the above.
While still in the terminal: Do this as a regular user.
# git clone git://github.com/FeatherCoin/FeatherCoin.git
# cd FeatherCoin
# qmake USE_UPNP=-
# make
It says in the Install guide at this point you should have a working “feathercoin-qt” file in the directory, and that you should be able to run ./feathercoin-qt and it will fire it up, but if there is no feathercoin-qt in the directory then do this:
# cd /src
# make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-
Then go back to the /home/user/FeatherCoin directory and run ./feathercoin-qt… That should do it…
Edit: If anyone notices a mistake in this please let me know… Thanks:)
Edit Edit: Updated
You actually got 3, that’s extra awesome sauce! Congrats on the successful experiment.