Latest posts made by iamatrix
RE: Please Check-in
Post John requested
I am quoting your post, but this is not directed at you personally. Its more of a general statement to all.
Untrue, a coin does not have to “innovative”, it has to work. What has to be innovative is what is provided for the coin.
Everyone here seems to want to see the next “cool” thing… Why? So you have a cool coin? John Q Public does not understand the last one.
Dropping our coins to do one coin would be business suicide, PXC has not been around very long, but our users were promised something and they will get it.
I’m not here to impress you on how cool or innovative a coin is, I am here for business, pure and simple. If you want to be l33t, go for it, and I wish you luck.
I am here to make money, for my self, my partners and my users.
If I see an opportunity like this partnership, to move my business forward faster, I will take it.
Having entities that look like competitors from the outside, working together towards a common goal to further an industry, is common place in business.
I know your not used to the concept yet, because of how things are currently done, but that will change.