I’m in with 106K.
Posts made by gbdesai
RE: Neoscrypt is opensource now!
Sweet. Hope we get this up with FTC ASAP.
RE: Last Block - 320020 - 2014-07-23 21:38:10
Wow, I just checked two different block explorers and it does seem stuck.
UPDATE: It’s moved forward, scared for a minute
RE: New Coin comparison sites metrics
I was also looking at the coin comparison at CoinGeko., FTC shows up well (16th) overall, despite some of the metrics not favouring us. i.e. does not include Longevity, or where items are posted on the forum.
The forum is more our area of discussion than Redit and Forks obviously favours Bitcoin. It is the quality of Github changes or the need for them, too many might indicate bad or piecemeal programming.
However, there is definitely scope to improve Feathercoin’s standing. For instance, join Github, give us some Stars / Watches.
Funny thing, I just wrote them this morning at [email protected], I was specifically asking about the development metric methodology. I suggested that it doesn’t really take into account side development. There are lots of projects which wouldn’t even hit the core coin source. I am a big proponent of both FTC and BlackCoin and both have the same issue, there is a lot of development being done around the coin which isn’t captured in any way.
RE: About blockchain-link.com/\#future
I concur, the last thing you want is a massive Blockchain that becomes unmanageable. Far more interesting to me is determining a way to trim the blockchain over time to keep it lean. The concept of embedding an HTTP layer is a good idea for ads, for payloads requiring more authenticity (like a contract) you could also use some form of encryption in addition to HTTP.
EDIT: I just read their blockchain bloat reasoning and it sound dubious to me. They claim because you are destroying coins when adding info to the blockchain it prevent bloat because that is the last transaction that will be pushed onto the blockchain for those particular coins. This is opposed to what happens when the same coin keep moving along the blockchain when sent from one individual to another over time. They also claim the destruction of coins adds to the deflationary nature of the currency in question…
Get FTC into Expresscoin
I just used Expresscoin to purchase some Blackcoin directly (meaning not buying BTC first). It would be great for them to support Feathercoin to give people more options to purchase FTC with cash… Their voting page is here:
RE: Preventing volatility as our priority.
I like the concept. BTW, lizhi, count me into your 100K club. Let me know what you need from me…
RE: Found a BIP0038 Private Key Encryption Solution for FTC
could we support BIP38 in the android wallet aswell? simply scan and type passphrase? to move / send coins.
Yes, that would be really cool.
Found a BIP0038 Private Key Encryption Solution for FTC
EDIT: Sorry meant to say, “Found a BIP0038 Private Key Encryption Solution for FTC”
I was searching for a way to create a private key with BIP0038 encryption for use in a cold storage situation for my crypto, especially my FTC, and ran into a app called Bippy. I didn’t notice it posted here anywhere, so I’m posting just in case some of you weren’t aware.
It is made by the guy who created the command-line “inuit” wallet generator. I was looking for a way to do cold storage and really liked the concept of a laser etched metal card with a BIP0038 protected private key on it. It requires the installation of kivy which seems to be a framework on top of python, but it was straightforward to get it working.
Anyway I tested the app with FTC, BC, BTC, LTC, and DOGE and was able to create and retrieve my private key properly and all while offline.
I also found http://cryptocards.co/ which makes the type of card I wanted and asked them to add Feathercoin which they did this evening.
I ordered a few various types and will post my thoughts when I get them.
I’m not affiliated with any of the above companies or people, just liked the solution I could get by using both (I think the bippy people partner with woodwallets.io who make wood cold storage wallets). Anyway, hope this helps someone.
RE: Want to thank Ghostlander for his work developing Neoscrypt? INFO HERE.
Just sent 1000. Let’s make this happen, I believe in FTC and want it to thrive!
3 Blocks to Go!
Thought I’d make this my first post. Exciting times ahead I hope… Long live Feathercoin!