[quote name=“peas” post=“57298” timestamp=“1391622014”]
if the ./configure stage it says something like
opencl … no
You don’t have the opencl development libraries installed (or at least not where it expects to find them).
From https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer/blob/master/windows-build.txt:
Go to this url for the latest AMD APP SDK:
Go to this url for legacy AMD APP SDK’s:
Download and install whichever version you like best.
Copy the folders in \Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\include to \MinGW\include
Copy \Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\lib\x86\libOpenCL.a to \MinGW\lib
Note: If you are on a 32 bit version of windows “Program Files (x86)” will be
“Program Files”.
Note2: If you update your APP SDK later you might want to recopy the above files