I’m only getting this,
14.7 rc3 drivers
[19:21:15] Specified platform that does not exist
[19:21:15] clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable
[19:21:15] All devices disabled, cannot mine!
I’m only getting this,
14.7 rc3 drivers
[19:21:15] Specified platform that does not exist
[19:21:15] clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable
[19:21:15] All devices disabled, cannot mine!
could somebody post a windows compile of the lastest code ?
I’m unable to use xintensity on the prev code (no accepted shares) and would like to check if the problem persists.
Quick question, in my bat file, how do I specify different values for say -i or -w so that my two cards (which are different) have different settings?
-i 14,15?
-w 48, 72?
Kind regards,
“intensity” : “18,18,18”,
“worksize” : “256,128,256”,
specify in your .conf
If you sync all blockchain,it will spend about 12 hours.
I did not have to resync my wallet, just changed to the new exe.
New wallet is also faster than the 0.8.7 code
Getting 145kh/s with my 280x with sgminer 5 settings : sgminer.exe --algorithm neoscrypt -I 15 -w 48 -g 2 --no-submit-stale -o -p
That is 60kh/s faster than 3.7.7b and the same as with 3.7.8.
Thanks Wolf, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Great work, wallet has been backed up but new code works like a charm.
Find in the extracted folder from the 13.xx drivers following files
copy them in you cgminer-neoscrypt folder
delete all *.bin files
Start cgminer with 14.xx drivers
bin will be generated from 13.xx dll files
That was fast, thanks a lot
Ik missed this somehow when joining the forum, if it is still up here are my adresses
FTC : 6zT33Ax4PD3zie4tHeNUfHENsLQojxpaVL
PXC: PiyLKNBBBngYQ35J8LJ9e6wn3YiazRSmB1
Thank you
Block 431882 and counting down
The coin that is switching is IPC, not IMP… https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=476091.0
Aargh, typo. edited original post
Thanks for correcting me :)
about 250 blocks left before the switch
Imperialcoin (IPC) is making the switch to neoscrypt in 450 blocks.
Difficulty will be way lower than Phoenixcoin. Maybe use that one for solo mining testing.
My batch files
for p2pool mining : cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 14 -w 48 -g 2 -o stratum+tcp://prometheus.phoenixcoin.org:10554 -u -p x
gives 90 kh/s on amd 280x
for local mining : cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 13 -w 32 -g 2 -o -u -p
gives about 80 on the wallet
AMD 14.9 drivers
You can solo mine with the neoscrypt cgminer, but I’ve found that you will need different setting to what you use for Scrypt mining.
The easiest way to try it out now is to set yourself up to attempt solo mining on Phoenix coin to work out your optimum settings and then you just need to change your solo miner setup to point back from the PXC wallet to your Feathercoin one.
link to Windows Mingw building instructions
link to amd 14.xx compatible compiled windows 3.7.7b binaries
The current version of neo-gpu miner does not work with AMD drivers higher than 13.12.
I found that when i add the amd opencl files from the 13.12 driver pack to the cgminer directory that it does work with the 14.xx drivers.
But a little slower…
If anybody is interested … link to neo-gpuminer 3.7.7b that works on 14.xx AMD drivers
Using setx display, gpu, etc does not add anything to performance, just leave it out.
I get 90kh/s on an amd 280x with these settings
cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 14 -w 48 -o stratum+tcp://prometheus.phoenixcoin.org:10554 -u
-p x
I’ve adapted bfgminers windows build.txt to compile the gpu miner for AMD cards.
Somebody please check my sloppy work and add what i surely forgot, it would be nice if somebody could add the instructions for Nvidia.
Also a link to version 3.7.7b that i compiled with these instructions
Currently getting about 80 kh/s with 3.7.6b, cl file from 3.7.5, *.bin generated with drivers 13.12. And currently running on 14.9
Sapphire 280x with settings
cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 13 -w 32 --thread-concurrency 8192
definitely something wrong with the *.cl file from 3.7.6b, no accepted shares unless i lower intensity to 6 but then no performance.
link to my files working on 280x
Have the same problem, compiles fine but get no accepted shares.
I need lo lower intensity to 6 to get accepted and the i get 2.5kh/s or so
with 3.7.5 i get about 50 kh/s with -I 11
Does anybody have a link for the latest version 3.7.6b for windows.
When i build it everything goes fine, no errors but i get no accepted shares.
Using 13.12 with amd sdk 2.9 win8.1 mingw
Ok found it, in windows you only need to install nvidia gpu deployment kit
Install path is C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\GDK\nvml\
How do i link this to MinGW ?
Thank you
i’ve installed the deployment kit but i do not use visual studio or have any nvidia hardware installed. Alot of the kit is not being installed.
I’m building in win8.1 in mingw with amd sdk 2.9 and adl sdk 6. I have found a nvml.dl_ in anothers computer divers dir. Is that the one i need ?
What do i need to add the nvidia components to the build ?